Setting up School EasyPay
To start using School EasyPay we need to set up the credentials to do this.
Start by navigating to Settings and Payment Settings, and choose Fees and Payment Gateway.
Under Payment Provider, choose "School EasyPay".
You can see this instance is set up with two campuses. This allows you to have two different School EasyPay accounts if you have different accounts for different campuses. If the account is the same for both campuses, you just use the same set of credentials for both.
You can see that you need a Merchant Code, a Username, a Password, and an API Key.
These are all given to you from School EasyPay.
The only other thing you can see here is "Testing Mode", which can be turned on and off for you to test the system before you go live.
From the Parents' point of view, they will be inside their Parent Link and looking at their Parent Dashboard.
Let's log in for someone.
You can see with this person, they need to make their payment.
With School EasyPay, you'll get this notice: "To make a payment, click the button below to be redirected to the School EasyPay website."
When we click on "make Payment", the School EasyPay window will open.
Obviously, it won't be a test environment, it will be linked to the actual payment provider.
You can see here we have the EnrolHQ Reference, the Name, and the Email Address, along with a little more information and the amounts.
The parent will enter their details, validate the card, and then move to a page that will show the processing fee (if you have added that inside School EasyPay).
Here they can validate that all the information is correct.
The parent will then click "Pay Now," and the payment will be submitted.
After the payment is successfully made, they will be redirected back to our "Thank You Confirmation page".
Back in EnrolHQ, you’ll be able to see the transaction inside the student profile.
If you go to the application tab you can see all the payment details:
The $152.25 includes GST, the surcharge, the reference, the School EasyPay transaction number, the status, the receipt sent to the parent, and the date and time of the payment.
The receipt has been sent out automatically, and you can see all the details through Comms Log.
There’s also a Finance Report that gets sent every night to the Finance Team.
To find this, navigate to Reports, and Transaction Report.
Inside that Finance Transactions Report, you’ll see all the items sent across for reconciliation.
If you log into your School EasyPay account, you’ll see the transaction there.
You’ll see the date, the Customer Reference (which links to the Finance Transactions Report), the amount, the settlement date, and details showing it came through the online payment.