
Powerful Automations

In the fast-paced environment of school enrolments, staying on top of communications with parents and staff can be a challenging task. EnrolHQ's 'Automations' feature streamlines this process by automating email and SMS notifications based on a wide range of triggers. Whether it's parents starting or submitting application forms, inquiries, event bookings, or even birthday reminders, our extensive list of triggers ensures that no important communication falls through the cracks.

But we don't stop at parent communications. EnrolHQ also allows you to automate notifications to staff, ensuring that everyone is kept in the loop. Staff reviews, event reminders, and enrolment offer expiries can all trigger automated messages, making your workflow more efficient and reducing the potential for human error. This ensures that your team is always informed and can act promptly on important updates.

Moreover, EnrolHQ's automation isn't just about sending messages. You can dynamically change the Student Profiles enrolment journey stage or update custom category tags based on specific actions, keeping your records accurate and up-to-date without manual intervention. This powerful feature helps streamline the enrolment process, ensuring that every student's journey is tracked and managed effectively.

To top it all off, our automation feature is highly customizable. You can set criteria to apply automations to specific groups, such as students in a particular enrolment stage, entry level, or grade. You can even target boarders or day students, specific campuses, and unique student profile categories. This level of granularity ensures that your communications are always relevant and timely, enhancing the enrolment experience for both parents and staff. With EnrolHQ's 'Automations,' you gain a powerful tool that not only saves time but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your enrolment processes.

Explore Reporting

Clear and comprehensive insights into enrolment data, helping you your school make informed decisions and track progress effortlessly.