Send Email to a Parent
In this video, I will go through how to send an email inside EnrolHQ.
We always recommend sending all emails regarding the enrolment process directly through EnrolHQ so that all the communication is tracked in one place.
There are two ways to send emails.
The first option is to send the email to a specific student only. The second option is to do this in bulk for multiple students at once.
To send an email to a specific student, go into the record, in the student detail view screen, which you can see in front of you here.
And then go to comms log in the submenu.
Inside comms log, you will have a green button called send email.
When you click on this, you will be able to select the sender. The options are the default email inside EnrolHQ, your own email, or any other ones that have been added as bookmarks or have been set up as a default email address for a specific campus.
Make sure to select the correct sender email, because any replies from the parent will go to this email address directly.
Whilst answers from parents will go to your local inbox, all outgoing communication should happen from EnrolHQ.
Next, you'll also be able to CC or BCC a specific recipient.
Then you would need to select your email template. You can select an empty template and just write your message in, or you can select one of the default templates and adjust the template if you need to.
The information about the student and parents is automatically pulled from the profile if you have added merge tags inside the default template. Otherwise, you can add or adjust the text, here.
Preview the template, and you can send that off to the parent when you are happy with it. Now, you can see in the comms log that you'll have the ability to view the template that you just sent out.
If you want to send an email to multiple students at once, you would need to go to contacts, and all prospective, and then you can select a few records to send the email to.
You can also click on the arrow and select "all visible" or "select all records".
When you have selected the records, go to "bulk actions" in the top right corner.
At the top here, you will have a send action called Send Email.
You'll do this in the same way as before by selecting the email template, making any necessary adjustments, and then selecting if you're sending this to one user parent, or both parents at once.
Before you send the template off, preview the email, and switch between the different students that you have selected and see that the merge tags have rendered correctly.
If you need to make any adjustments at all, you can just click cancel and make your edits. Once you're ready, you would click "send" and send the email to the parents.
If you go back into one of the students and go into the comms log, you'll be able to see the template that we just sent out, here. Any previous communication will also be tracked here.
To make any adjustment to the default email template, you need to go to email settings in your main menu and then go to templates and custom.
Here, you can create as many templates as you want by clicking on add, and then writing in the default message that you want to go out.
If you want to change the order of the emails, you can do so by clicking on edit and adding a number in front of the name.
For example, if you select this template and in the name field, write: One, and Dot, and save, you now have this template at the top.
You can order all of your templates to appear in order by doing this.
If you have many templates, or simply want to organise them, you would put the most important ones at the top by adding numbers, like this.