Initial Setup
This is the first video on how to set up or repurpose a general-purpose application in EnrolHQ.
To start off, you have two main forms in the system.
An example of a main form is an application.
Each main form will have a separate tab which you can access inside every student profile.
The main forms are also attached to different actions such as staff and leadership review functions.
Every EnrolHQ instance has a spare general-purpose application form, which can be used as an ELC form, a scholarship form, as an international application, or as a second application.
In this case, we're just going to repurpose this second main form as a scholarship form, but it will be the same process, whichever purpose you'd like to use it for.
In order to activate the second main form, you need to navigate to settings, and then down to enrolment journey stages.
Here, you will have your second main form called "expression of interest" by default, and you can see that it's currently disabled.
So you would turn that on and you would rename it to scholarship form, and then you click save to activate.
Now, if I go into a student profile, I can see that what this has done is open up a new tab called "scholarship."
And that is a new workflow that works exactly like it does for applications, with a split signature workflow, and two extra review flags.
If I go into the scholarship tab, I will have payment options, a submission date, and scholarship progress, which is identical to the usual application.
If this form is not ready, in terms of you approving the questions and all of the text, you need to make sure that it's not visible in the parent dashboard while you are still setting it up.
This is because it is automatically enabled for parents when turned on in enrolment journey stages. If I refresh a dashboard as a parent, I will be able to log in and fill out this new scholarship form, straight away. So we need to make sure to turn this button off until you're ready for parents to do that.
So part of step one is to go into "settings", and "customization", where we can add and change some options to our form.
Then, go into the "application and scholarship forms" section.
Open this up and scroll down until you see "Show Scholarship link for parent." Then, select to disable the scholarship link for parents in the left-hand side menu.
From the parent dashboard, this will remove the button to submit a new scholarship application from their main menu.
You also need to disable it for outstanding tasks.
And while you're here, you might want to remove it for the application form as well, so it doesn't appear as a separate link in case the grade years are closed.
What you have done now is to hide the form from the parents until you are ready for them to start submitting.
Once you have saved these options, in the bottom right corner, you can refresh the parent dashboard and you will see that the link is now gone. This means that you can safely go ahead and make changes to the form and approve it first.
The final thing that I want you to do as part of step one of setting this up is to go to settings and payment settings and go to scholarship, and then set up the scholarship fee to its amount.
If you don't need payment, you would just untick it. If you do need payment, you would set your amount and you would click save.
If you need any additional sibling discounts applied, you would click open the relevant tab and put that in for your scholarship application.
Any additional attendance type fees or any grant discounts that would need to be applied would also be added in this section.
Once you've set this up, you have completed step one of the setup. Activate the form and add the main settings. You can now move on to step two.