How to Transfer an Interview Slot to a Different Interviewer


In this video, we will have a look at how to transfer an interview from one interviewer, to another.

A good example of when this feature is used, is if one interviewer is sick, and we need to transfer that booking to a different interviewer instead of cancelling with the parent.

We can do that by going into our interview module and then into our schedule.

From here, open up the day that we need to make the transfer by clicking on the arrow,

And find the slot.

For instance, if we want to transfer the interview on the 15th of October at seven to seven-thirty to a different interviewer,

We need to click on the yellow transfer interview button on the right side.

By doing this, we can choose to transfer it from Allusha to a different interviewer, in this case, lets choose Meredith.

We can choose to keep the original booking slot closed so that nobody else can book with Allusha, or we can keep it open so another student can book in.

A good example of when we would keep the booking slot open, is if the student originally booked needs to go to another interviewer due to a new special learning need that has come up.

We would transfer the student and keep the original booking slot open for Allusha so that another student can book into this availability.

The availability will now automatically be added as an option for parents to book from, if they have been invited and have the selected interview type.

However, in this case, since Allusha is sick, we want to keep the original booking slot closed so nobody else can book it.

Once done, click confirm and exit.

After refreshing and returning to the 15th of october, we see that the seven to seven-thirty slot is now booked with Meredith.

We can then go into the student record,

Access the interview tab,

And here we'll see that the interview has been swapped to Meredith.

Any additional transfers will be done via interview and interviewer.

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Default Interview Settings


Creating Interviewers and Availabilities


How to Link Interviewers Calendar