How to Set Up Initial Mandatory Settings
In this video, I will explain how to set up the main settings in "Custom Forms".
The custom forms video training will be divided into three parts and in this part, we will look at the main setup of the mandatory custom forms settings.
The Custom Form module is located in the main menu, and is called "Custom Forms".
Click here and you will have an overview of all of the Forms that have been created for your school.
To create a new "custom form", click on "create" in the top right corner.
Before you can build your form, the system will request that you define the settings. And we will go through what these do.
The first setting decides whether the form is active or deactive.
If you have an old form that you no longer are using, for example, a form for 2023, you can just deactivate it.
Active basically means on.
You can also set a custom form to be "private".
If it's set to private, that means that nobody can access it unless they have the direct URL link for the form.
You can set the form to private on purpose, to choose which recipients should fill out the form.
You can also use the private mode if you are still building the form so it doesn't show for parents.
You can also set a "custom form" to be mandatory before an enrolment form has been submitted, or before an offer has been accepted.
The latter is often used to collect "medical details" or "photo and video permissions".
By creating an "update your medical details" form, and making the form mandatory before the parents can accept the enrollment offer, you don't have to chase down the collection of the medical details or photo permissions later on.
The allow profile creation setting will allow new parents who don't have a profile inside the system to fill out this form.
This would be relevant for any form where parents use the system for the first time.
You can also allow the ability to nominate a third-party submission.
An example of this would be to create a "custom form" for a reference check.
And send that "custom form" directly to a pastor or to a minister at the church, asking them to be a reference for this family.
This way, the reference doesn't have to go through the parents, you would send the form directly to the person as a "third party", and they will deliver the results directly back to your school.
Other than that, we have additional custom form settings below, where we can choose what to print on the form itself.
This decides what we print on the PDF that the parents see.
Some things, like "School management system ID" are an internal field for some schools, and should be toggled off.
We can also add some customised introductory text, or confirmation submission text.
The next setting allows you to choose where to redirect the parents after a potential submission.
The default redirect is to a confirmation page where we confirm that the form has been submitted.
We can also choose to redirect parents to a specific URL or back to your school's website.
At the top of the page, on the right side, we can select the recipients of this custom form.
We can select that this custom form should only be available for students in enrolment status.
Or that it should only be available for those in year seven and calendar year 2025.
Anybody else that is not currently in enrolment status, year seven and a 2025 year entry will not be able to see this form.
Basically, you can restrict who should fill in the form based on specific criteria.
You can also restrict it by "student profile categories".
A good example of this is if you only want students with NAPLAN results "poor" to receive this form, where you collect additional information.
It can go out to any years, or any calendar years of entry, but only those with poor NAPLAN results should receive it.
"Custom forms" now also have the ability to collect payments.
If you want to collect a payment, for example, a deposit payment, you can turn that on, here.
You can add a payment code, as a payment reference ID.
This would be a code you use for internal purposes for your finance department to help separate various payment types from each other.
Remember that once a payment has been made, the payment setting cannot be turned off.
Next, you would need to set other payment details such as how much the payment should be, put in additional discounts, or set a general ledger code.
Make sure that all of the mandatory fields are answered, and when you've done that, you can click save, and the form is now created.