How to Edit a Subheading and Add Help Text


In this video, we will look at how we can change a subheading and how to add a description text to a subheading inside our application or expression of interest forms.

A subheading in the application form looks like this: One example is "student personal details",

Another is, entry details, or "current school details". You'll have these subheadings alongside your whole application form—cultural requirements and student residential details are two other examples.

The questions in each section are always related to this subheading, but you can "rename" each subheading or add description text to it.

We will now look at how to do this.

Start by going back into EnrolHQ, refresh the page, and in the main menu, go to settings.

Then, open the customization section, and inside customization, open up enrolment and expression of interest forms.

Here, you can either search for whatever it is you're looking to change (for example, cultural requirements) or you can scroll down until you see your section.

Once you've located it, you can add or change the name.

For example, let’s say I want to rename "Cultural Requirements" to "Cultural Requirements and Other Details." I would change the name, click save, and then go to my preview mode and refresh.

Once I’ve refreshed, I can scroll down until I see the cultural requirements section and can see that it has now been renamed.

We can also add description text to these subheadings.

Let’s say we go to step two in this case, which is about the parent and carer details.

Here, we need to pick a subsection, for example this "government data and employee" section which normally includes ACARA questions.

Let’s say we want to add some description text to it. In the backend, we go to settings, customization, and then open up enrolment and expression of interest forms tab.

We can now open the search, and search for "government" and the correct section will automatically be highlighted for us.

If you don't use the search function, just scroll down until you see the government heading.

You know that you are working within the parent step, which is the second step in the application form, under "Parent and Carer."

When you have located the parents step title, you will also see the subheading for "employee details" section HTML snippet, just below. This is where we can add the description text.

I'm going to add a description text saying that these are "ACARA questions"

Then, I will save that and refresh the preview.

If we go back to the second step, and scroll down until we see the "Government Data and Employee" section.

We can see that the description text is added here.

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