How to add Custom Form Blocks
In this video, we will look at how to add blocks of questions to our "custom form".
We are still working in our main menu, under "custom forms", and we need to go to edit mode.
Scroll past all of the settings, which we looked at in video one, and look past all of the custom questions, which was covered in custom form video two.
In this video, we will focus on adding another layer, and look at custom form "blocks".
You will find the different blocks under student forms, parent forms, and common forms.
I will start by adding another step, and add one of the student form blocks to that.
Now I just drag the student form block in place, and then rename the block.
For this example, I will name this step: "block" by editing the "title" on the right side. Then I save to confirm the changes.
We now have two steps. Step 1, with all the custom questions, and Step 2, with our new field.
When we preview this, we can see that all the custom questions we created in the previous video are all lined up as before, in the menu, under step 1. And we have a new step called "block".
Go to the second step, by clicking on the "next" button.
"This", is a block.
A block, basically includes "several" questions within a certain category. The questions within a block are being pulled directly from "system fields" in our settings, and form fields.
Let’s go back and add some additional blocks for the student to demonstrate further.
We need to find the correct category of questions we want to add and drag it in place under our new step.
Open student forms, and find the category you want to add. In this case, I will add the entry block, the residential block, and the contact block.
Then I just drag them in the correct order and into the correct step.
And now, let's have a look at what that looks like.
Save, and refresh the custom form preview to see the new updates, and then click next.
The first block is information about the student: first name, middle name, last name, date of birth.
The second block is called entry details, where we have information about when this specific student is entering or applying for.
Then, we have contact details, where we ask for the student's phone number and email address.
And we also added a separate block for the student's residential details.
All of the questions that are collected within a block, can be found and regulated by going into EnrolHQ.
Go back to EnrolHQ, scroll up to see the main menu, click on settings, and form fields.
And here, within the profile category, just like we add additional fields to our main forms (our enrolment form or expression of interest form), we would regulate the same question for custom forms as well.
For example, if we look at our "custom form", and we want to stop asking for home phone for the student under the contact details block, we know that the question is related to contact details for student.
We go to settings, we go to "form fields", we go to profile, and then we search for home phone.
And in this case, when we find it, we just disable it for custom forms, and save.
Because we have disabled it for custom form at the moment, if we refresh the preview, and scroll down to the contact details block, the home phone question is now gone.
The benefit of using blocks is basically that all of these questions will pull the information we know from the student profile.
This way, we can represent the answers that have been answered previously back to the parents.
And there will potentially be mappings created for them with your school management system.
So if at all possible, we always recommend using blocks whenever you have the opportunity.
You can also disable the fields for each block directly inside the form. This allows you to turn off a question for one form and keep it on, in another.
We will look at how to do this, in the next video.
To summarise, when you create a form, you can choose between custom questions or adding a block of set questions.
We recommend using student form blocks or parent form blocks. And use common forms for a non-parent signature or document uploads.
These blocks will have different categories of questions that are related to it, but each question can be turned on or off per form.
This is better than using custom questions because the answers can be represented back to the parents and will have a better workflow.