Filtering Contacts
In this video, we will have a look at how to filter records inside EnrolHQ.
Start by going to your contact menu and selecting one of the buckets to look at.
If you go into the enquiry bucket, you will see all the records, which are currently in enquiry status, or that have an enquiry open, at the moment.
For example, you can see that even though this record is in status "enrolment offer expired", they are still in enquiry status because there is an open enquiry.
If you go into the record, and open up the related tab, you will see it. And that's why this student still shows up, in the enquiry bucket.
This applies for event bookings as well. If you go to the event booking tab, you can have students in a different status still appear under event booking tab if they have an upcoming event they have booked into.
I can also go to my enrolment application. In this case, this will only show me records who have submitted an application.
It is important to know "how" to use these buckets. If not, the numbers might not make sense.
The easiest way to filter down your records would be through all perspective, where you can see every record in the system, without any filters attached.
And from here, you can filter down your records.
If you click on the top, you will have your main filters.
Under "entries per page", you can choose how many records to see on each page, and you can select between 10 and 300 records.
You can scroll all the way down to see how many different pages you have.
The next main filter is status.
Status is the main enrolment stage the students are in. This will be the same in the main menu.
You would also have sub statuses if you click on bookmarks. So for example, we can see that the enrolment actually has two sub statuses: we have incomplete applications, and new applications.
The "new application", would be the latest submission of everybody who has completed, paid, and submitted their application, which would be the same as going through the main menu and clicking on "enrolment".
We also have some records with an incomplete application. So they're still in application status, but they have started the form, but not completed it yet.
To quickly filter and follow up with these records, we can use the incomplete application substatus.
You can also create "your own" bookmarks clicking on this little icon here and adding the correct filters to it.
Some of the other main filters would be, preferred year of entry, calendar year of entry, or campus.
You can also select based on preferred, alternative, or all, if you have alternative years of entry enabled for your school.
This feature allows parents to put themselves on a waitlist, for a year that is full.
If you click on show more, it will open up additional filters.
These are all the filters that any school using EnrolHQ have ever asked us for, and they're categorized into different sections.
For anything related to the student, you can open up additional filter by clicking on student demographics.
Here, you can see that you can filter down into a specific attendance type, or gender, or if you want to have a look at students with a different nationality than Australian, you can filter down here.
You can do the same for parents. Let's say you want to filter down for parents that are divorced, you can do that through the parent demographics filter.
You can also have specific filters into some of the stages.
If you open up the filters related to "enquiry" you can actually put in a specific enquiry submission date range, which shows enquiries submitted between the dates that you select.
You can do the same with event bookings as well. You would have an event date range filter where you can see bookings within a specific date range.
You can also select a specific event that you are looking for, and a specific session that was attended.
From here, you can break down into everybody who has attended this event and this session.
Every category will have additional filters similarly to this.
Close down the additional filter by clicking on show less.
And you can clear all your filters really easily by clicking on "clear filters".
All of these blue lines at the top here will show you the filters that are currently applied.
If you clear filters, the basic filters are currently only excluding a couple of statuses. And you can adjust these in student demographics.