Enrolment Journey Stages Workflow
In this video, I will go through how to progress the student through the enrolment journey stages by switching their status.
The status shows how far in the enrolment journey a certain student is.
We will look at Robert as our test profile in this case. Anytime a new profile is created inside EnrolHQ, they will get a unique overview that looks like this.
In the top right corner, you will see that you have a dropdown menu with all the different statuses.
The first status that a profile is put into is usually, "enquiry" online.
If you go to add a new contact and fill in the basic information, this is the status that the student is put into.
This means that all the students that are manually created are set to this status, by default.
It can also mean that a parent has submitted an "enquiry", as their first action.
You can manually switch a student's status by clicking on the status in the top right corner, and this will open up new actions related to that stage.
If the parent, however, goes straight to an event booking and let's say books into an open day, the student record would automatically be moved from "enquiry" to "event booking" and the status would automatically be updated.
This status represents what is the latest stage of the enrolment process for this student.
The next step is usually submitting an application. So if a parent goes on your website and they click on submit an application and go through that form, the student would automatically be moved to "application status."
From now on, the next status switches would be all manual, from the school's end. When you're ready to put the student into, let's say, "wait list status," you would manually switch their status.
That is the same when you're ready for the student to book into an interview, you would switch their status to "interview," then do your actions with the interview tab.
Next one would be an "enrollment offer." You would switch the status and then you would go to the relevant tab and make an offer to the student.
However, when a parent has accepted their offer, the system would automatically move them to "orientation status."
In this case, it just tells you that the offer has been accepted and the student is waiting to become a current student.
If your school wants to adjust any of the automatic status switches to a different status, this can be done by using automations.
When you're ready and the student is starting school, you would manually move them to "community status" and they would stay in community status while they're a current student.
At this point, we can delete a lot of the information that we have and we can keep just the basic for alumni or sibling purposes.
You can delete all the medical data and unnecessary personal details.
The student would stay in community status inside EnrollHQ while they're a current student, and you would move them over as an alumni after they've graduated.
You have the ability to add additional statuses, and rename and reshuffle them. You can then use automation to change the status based on a certain action being triggered.
In your main menu, find settings, and scroll down until you see "Enrolment journey stages."
Here, you can set the name of each status, and you can reshuffle or reorder the statuses as you want.
You can also turn on different custom statuses. So let's say I want to add an additional status called "international application."
I can do that by turning it on, and also choose if I want this stage to be visible in the parent dashboard or not.
Then I would put it in the right order and I would save.
And when I now refresh, in the contact menu, I can now see that I have an "international application" in my dropdown menu.
Same if I go back to Robert's profile. I will also have an additional stage here called "international application."
The only thing to take notice of when making adjustments, is to make sure that you use the default statuses such as application, or offer correctly, as they have certain workflows that are specifically designed for that purpose.