Editing Terms and Conditions


The third step of repurposing a general-purpose application into a scholarship form is to adjust the introduction text on the front page and the terms and conditions on the last step of the form.

To make these adjustments, you need to go to settings, and customization. Inside this section, you would be working in three different areas.

One is application and scholarship forms. This is where you would put the introductory text to the form.

If you click on "preview," it will open up a separate tab, with a preview of the form. You can see the introductory page is completely blank. Currently, the only area visible is where the parents put in their email address to start the form.

Now, go back to EnrolHQ and put in some information in the introduction box.

Here is an example of an introductory text that can be used prior to starting the scholarship form. You would do the same. Add in your text, make the necessary adjustments, and when you have added the text, you click save. And now, when you refresh the preview, the text will be applied.

Normally, this text would inform parents of what documents they need to prepare and how to go through the form. If there are any special requirements such as the form only being available for certain year levels, this could be specified here as well.

The next step is to approve the terms and conditions page at the very end of the scholarship form.

Go back into customization, and this time, open up the scholarship signature step.

If you click on preview, it will take you directly to the final step.

This is where the parents would read and agree to terms and conditions, privacy policies and any other paperwork you need them to accept and sign.

Terms and conditions will have the same options as the application form. You can put in information about next steps, HTML text, or add checkboxes that the parents have to agree to.

If we start right at the top, we can edit "next steps" by going back into EnrolHQ, customization, and scholarship signature step, and here you can add as many steps as you need to.

Enter in the information inside the "next step" area. When you are ready, you click "save."

If you refresh your preview, you'll see that you now have new steps applied, here.

Now to create HTML text, you'll be able to do that in the area called "specific terms HTML snippet."

You find this right at the top of the scholarship signature step.

You can insert any text that you need to add and click save when you have added everything.

Some schools use HTML to write in their terms and conditions so they're fully visible to the parents. Parents would then have to read through this and confirm their acceptance using a signature below.

You can also add different checkboxes by using the "Scholarship form agreement checkbox item" field. This is usually a statement that the parents have to agree with.

If you refresh the preview, you'll see that the parents now have to check additional agreement checkboxes before they can accept the offer.

Finally, you can also add PDF documents.

If you close this section and instead open up the section called "policy agreement documents," this is where you can add your downloads.

As an example, we will add a document called "scholarship agreement."

Click on add, and you can see that you have a new field.

If you need to specify specific entry grades, attendance types, international students, or enrollment stages, you would do that, here.

In this case, you need to select that these terms and conditions are only for scholarship stage.

Then you would upload the document, and click save.

Now, if you go back and refresh the form, you will have a new box where parents can download, read, and accept the terms and conditions, called "scholarship agreement."

If the parent clicks on this link, it will take them to the PDF document that we have just uploaded.

You can style your terms and conditions page to your preference by using the different options underneath the three categories in customization. You have the option to use next steps, plain HTML text, checkboxes or downloads.

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General Purpose Applications

Initial Setup

General Purpose Applications

Approving the Questions

General Purpose Applications

How to Complete Final Check