Create HTML Signature


In this video, I will show you how to create an email signature using HTML if your IT team doesn't have one created already.

This might be pretty complicated to remember, so pause the video as you go through the steps, if it's going too fast.

The first step is to navigate to email settings, and signatures.

From here, click on "Create" in the top right corner.

Once you've done that, you need to "name" your email signature so you can find it back later.

I'm going to name this "Allusha's signature", and "this" would be where you would paste in your HTML once that's ready.

Now in a new window or tab, open up your signature.

Now, we are going to copy the HTML code from here.

Start by highlighting your full signature. Once you have done this, right-click, and select "Inspect" at the bottom.

Once you've selected Inspect, that will open up a bit of code for you, either at the bottom or on the right side of your screen.

Even if you don't know HTML, that's OK. Just follow the step by step instructions to come.

Hover over your text until you see that all of it has been highlighted above.

Once you've selected all of it, right-click and click on Edit HTML.

That will open up the code.

Select all that code, scroll down until you've selected everything inside that box, copy it, and open that up inside a new tab in a program called Word to HTML.

Search for word to

Now, paste in the code you copied into the HTML editor, on the right side. When you do this, it will automatically be present as a visual editor on the left side as well.

Make sure that you're happy with it, and make any necessary adjustments by editing directly from the visual editor on the left side.

Once you're happy with it, grab that code again, copy it, and this is what we're going to paste into our signature template inside EnrolHQ.

Inside EnrolHQ, paste in the HTML version of your signature, and click "Save".

What we need to do next is test it.

You need to duplicate this EnrolHQ window by opening it a second time.

In this tab, go to email settings, and templates, and select any one of them. For example, I select email settings, templates, inquiry.

Edit the template, and then add in the new email signature, which is now in the email signature dropdown list.

Next, preview it for any student by writing in their name.

This is the signature at the bottom here. If you're not happy with it, you can edit it.

For example, If you don't want the space "here" after all, you need to make that update and grab the new code again,

Copy the new code

then, go back into the signature and paste in the updated code,

and remember to save.

Now, if you refresh the email template you were previewing, select the signature again, and preview that from scratch, you will see that the space is gone.

Now, step two is that we need to edit our images. Sometimes the images that we have on our signature are unavailable.

This includes icons for our phone, our web address, and our email.

These images might be hosted by Google Dot Mail.

This means that they are local to our computer and therefore have a timeframe that will stop them from displaying after a little while. So we need to make them as unique links inside EnrolHQ.

So you can just cross out all of your code at the moment.

And then, for step two, right-click on the image, and save the image on your computer,

and now go back into EnrolHQ.

You will need to find that image. You can do that by opening up search and search for IMG, which is images. Then it will take you to the images that you have there.

You will need to replace the link next to img with the local link from EnrolHQ. And we will go through how to do this in just a moment.

In total, you will have 4 images: phone, web, email, and location.

Now, these links that each image has, that's what we need to remove and replace with a permanent link that we're going to get through EnrolHQ.

We just need to make sure to save the images from our original signature over to our computer first.

The first image we have on our signature is an icon of a phone.

Since we saved our image onto our computer, step two is as follows, go back into your email template and upload the image that you have downloaded on your computer.

When this is uploaded, right-click on the image, and click on "Copy Image Address."

When you've copied that, simply paste that into the correct image spot in your signature, instead of the old link.

So because we are looking at the first image, which is the phone, we need to make sure that the image link we are pasting in has a phone number next to it to make sure we are replacing the correct image.

In your signature code, search for "img", and find the first image link,

and then replace the link, everything in between the apostrophes here, with our new link.

Paste that link in, and just make sure that the phone number is right after it, which means that we have the right one.

And we need to do that with all of our images. Go to your email signature, right-click on the image, click on "Save Image As," and name the image. Save it.

Go back into the email template, click on "Upload the Image," and select the web image.

Right-click on the image, copy the image address, and then search inside the email signature for the second IMG photo.

For example, number two out of four, is this one. We copy everything in between the apostrophes, and paste in the new link instead.

The new link will not expire as it is hosted by EnrolHQ.

After you have pasted in the link, make sure that the next step is the email address, which is here.

Now click save, and that's what you do with all of the images.

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