Booking an Event Session


In this video, I will go through how to book into an event from a parent's perspective.

The booking process can be done two ways:
The parent can go through your website and book into an event by submitting the event booking form, or you can book somebody in from the backend in EnrolHQ.

First, we will look at what this process looks like for the parents.

The parent will find this form by going to your website and clicking on the "book a tour" button. From there, the event booking form will either be embedded directly on your website or the parents will be taken to a separate link.

If you choose the option with a separate link, this can be found by going into "parent links" and clicking on the "events" link.

If your school has any events available, they will be displayed on this page and the parents can choose which event to book into.

From here, they would follow the steps and enter in their email. If the system recognizes that email, they would be asked to put in their password. If not, they would be asked to "create" a password.

In this case, because the system recognizes this specific email address, the information is being pulled from the profile, and the parent doesn't have to refill it all over again.

But for every new parent, they will have a blank form to fill out, and a new student profile will be created for them.

The first step on the event booking form is to enter the parent's details. We collect just a little bit of information about the parent at this stage.

By default, we ask for their name, contact number, and address, but you can turn some of these questions off or add some additional questions if you want to.

When the parent has filled this out, they click "save and continue."

In step 2, parents are asked about student details and the preferred entry details.

In this case, we already have a student called Robert on record. So we can select Robert, or we can fill in the form for a "new" student.

When complete, the parents click "save and continue."

The third section is attendees and booking. This will be recording who will be attending this booking.

At the top, we can choose from attendee information that is already recorded via the student profile, such as the student, parents, or siblings.

"I will be attending this event" refers to the parent recorded in step one, "Robert" is the student recorded in step two, and "Jonas" is the dad (the non-user parent).

We can also select additional attendees.

The number of additional attendees that can be booked for one family can be chosen when you're creating the event. You can restrict it to, let's say, only three additional attendees.

In addition to the parents, when we have selected who will be attending, we will also need to fill in the attendee names and details.

In this case, we can put in Robert, as the student will be attending, and Mr. Lewis, which would be the grandfather.

Once all the attendees have been registered, we can submit the booking.

At this point, an automatic email goes out to the parents saying, "Thank you for your booking, and here are your event booking details."

EnrolHQ also has the ability to set up an automation with an automatic reminder going out to the parents before the event booking actually occurs.

Inside EnrolHQ, the event staff will also receive an event booking email, and we can also see in the dashboard that a new event booking has happened.

We can see that Allusha has booked into an event on 09 August, 2024.

If you would like to book somebody directly, you can also do this.

To make a manual booking, go into a specific student record, go into the booking tab, and from here, you can add a booking.

You would add as a status registered at this point, and you would select which event to book them into and who would be attending.

You would have the same options as the parents had.

You can manage the attendees by selecting "I will be attending" for parent 1, or "Jonas will be attending" for parent 2, or add additional attendee details.

When you're ready, click save, and that would book that person into the specific event.

You can edit the booking details by clicking on edit.

You can change the status, make it attended, make it not attended, or cancel a booking on behalf of a specific student.

Here, you can change the event or the session, and you can add additional attendees if a parent calls up and needs to make any adjustments to their current booking.

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Create an Event


Creating Multiple Sessions for an Event


Take Attendance using Volunteer Dashboard