Parents having trouble logging in or set up an account for the first time

If a parent submits an enquiry form or books a tour, we do not set up an account or a login - we just save their details inside EnrolHQ. This is to eliminate any initial barrier to filling in the form.
We do, however, create a user account for a parent the 2nd time they fill in a form, or when they start an application - whichever comes first. If the parent has been manually entered by school staff into the admin dashboard, we will also verify both their mobile phone number (by sending a 6 digit code) and then their email address - by sending them a link to click to set their password.

The process looks like this:

1 - Parent puts in their email and gets this message.


2 - They press Send Code and enter the code.

NOTE: If the code never arrives (it should take no more than 10 seconds), as admin, you will need to log into the admin dashboard and check the phone number and country code is correct against Parent 1 - in their detailed view tab. The SMS will be sent globally as long as the number is correct.


Don't forget to hit save after updating the mobile phone number.

If the SMS still doesn't get through after you have verified the mobile number is correct, raise a support ticket with us. In 99 cases out of 100, it will be a wrong or changed mobile phone number - and fixing this will solve the issue.

This is what the SMS looks like to the parent, except it will use the phone number as set in your Settings > School Settings for contacting.


3 - We send the parent an email once the code has been entered.


4 - Finally, once the parent clicks the link to verify their email, we take them back to the pace where they wanted to go - so the user journey is uninterrupted.

You have the ability to change the text of this email in Email Settings > Templates > Account


By verifying both the mobile and email, we a) ensure that all future communication is going to get to the parent, and b) that this person is the correct person (not an imposter) and can give them access to the sensitive information we have on their file.