Campus Address

Input the address details of the main campus.

School Settings

Name: Set your school name
Gender*: Choose whether your school accepts single-sex or both genders
Web Site: Set your school's website address
Allow API requests from domains: Add New Entry
Add: For lead forms - check where the lead form is coming from and if the domain is on this list it will allow submissions. Put your school's website domain without http;
Telephone: Set your main Enrolment telephone to put on the Enrolment Form, Email Notifications
Email: Set your main Enrolment email address to put on the Enrolment Form, Email Notifications
Default From Email: Set your main email address - for emails going in and out from EnrolHQ
Parents' BCC Email: This email is where all emails that are sent to parents will be BCC’d to. (Some School IT teams want to keep a full record of every email that is sent to parents so they will set up a special email inbox to receive a BCC of these emails that can be searched later)
ABN: Set your school ABN

CRICOS Number: Set your school CRICOS Number

Prospectus Link: Link to your prospectus

Registrar Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms etc. 

Registrar Name: Jane Doe etc.

Principal Name: Jane Doe etc.

Principal Signature: Upload a copy of the signature
No file chosen

Time Zone: To find your schools timezone you type ‘Australia/’ followed by the city your school is located in. (It’s important to get the timezones correct so that reminders are sent out at the correct times and the date/time that forms are submitted, offers are accepted are all recorded correctly for parents and the school)

Regenerate SID Button: Allows to regenerate the student ID if you change DOB/name or year of entry

Two Factor Authentication For Staff: Choose enable for mobile phone security

Mobile Phone Format: Choose national or international

Default Email Preference: Select a default email preference choice for parents

Home Page: What page should be the default home page - e.g. Enquiry 

SMS Settings

Setting up SMS is a two-step process. Step one is to activate the school details in TransitSMS. Step two is to link the account back to EnrolHQ by using this box. Please use this link to apply for SMS our support team will do this setup for you. 

Expression of Interest Workflow

This form is disabled by default. If enabled, it is originally an expression of interest form that collects parent and child details from a young age. This form can also be changed to a waitlist form, scholarship form, early learning centre form etc.  

Includes GST: Tick if the selected fee includes GST
Expression Of Interest Fee: $
Is Expression of Interest Enabled? Tick to enable the form
Default Payment Line Items: EOI fee, credit card surcharge, late delivery fee etc. 
Add Line Item
Expression Of Interest Form Available At Following Stages: Select statuses e.g. Enquiry - Register Interest, Enquiry - Online, Enquiry - Event Booking, Expression of Interest
Label: Name of form
Expression Of Interest Default Payment Line Item Label: Payment label name
Send Expression of Interest Form to Staff: Tick if a copy should be sent to the default staff email address
Enable parents to start or continue Expression of Interest form even if student profile has a manual submission date for Expression of Interest: If a student has a manual EOI submission date - tick if you want EOI forms to appear in Parent Dashboard. Untick if this form should not appear. 

Application/Enrolment Workflow

Label: Name of form
Application For Enrolment Default Payment Line Item Label: Application fee payment label
Application for Enrolment Requires Invitation: Tick if application form should appear only to those invited
Allow Profile Creation: Tick if you allow parents to create sibling profiles from Parent Dashboard
Enable parents to start or continue Application for Enrolment form even if student profile has a manual submission date for Application for Enrolment: If a student has a manual applications form submission date - tick if you want the button "fill in an application form" to appear in Parent Dashboard. Untick if this form should not appear
Application For Enrolment Form Available At Following Stages: Choose the statuses the application form should appear for in Parent Dashboard
Application for Enrolment Enquiry - Register InterestEnquiry - OnlineEnquiry - Event Booking
Emergency Contacts Count: How many contacts are you asking for on the form - 1,2 etc. 
Follow Up Incomplete Applications Delay (days): If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long after starting the form the parent should receive a follow up email
Includes GST: Tick if the selected fee includes GST
Application For Enrolment Form Fee: $
Need Payment? Tick if application form fee is applicable
Application For Enrolment Form Fee (Non Residents): $
Is Different? Tick if the form fee is different for non residents
Application For Enrolment Form Fee (Alumni/Alumnae Connections): $
Is Different? Tick if the form fee is different for alumni/alumnae connections
Alumni/Alumnae Connections Eligible To Fee Change: Tick which alumni/alumnae connections are eligible for fee change: Mother, Father, Stepmother, Stepfather, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Aunt, Sister, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, Uncle, Brother, Cousin
Default Payment Line Items: Application fee, credit card surcharge, late delivery fee etc. 
Add Line Item
Pending Label: Name/label of pending bucket - you can rename the status here
Is Pending Enabled? Tick to enable pending bucket. Opens another status so you can categorise your profiles. Called Pending by default
Is Wait List Enabled? Tick to enable waitlist bucket. Opens another status so you can categorise your profiles. Called Waitlist and cannot be renamed

Reserved Place Workflow

Reserved place opens an additional status tab that allows taking a separate offer payment. This is useful for schools that have a long waitlist and want to make an offer that guarantees an interview and a place on the waitlist for parents that apply way in advance.

1) The parents would submit an application and pay the application fee as usual.

2) Parents will make an reserved offer place payment.

When the kid is old enough the kid will be the highest priority and will get the first interview and offer  before anybody else. 

3) If the student passes the enrolment process the parents get a confirmed place offer and need to pay the Enrolment fee. 

Make Application for Enrolment mandatory before Reserved Place Offer Acceptance: Tick to make this form mandatory to deliver before parent can accept a reserved place offer
Accept Reserved Place Fee: $
Is Reserved Place Enabled? Tick to enable reserved place
Default Payment Line Items: Reserved place fee, credit card surcharge, late delivery fee etc. 
Add Line Item
Label: Name of form
Default Reserved Place Offer Expiry (days): How many days is the reserved place offer active before it expires
Trigger Reminder This Number Of Hours Before A Reserved Place Offer Expiration: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before the reserved place offer is expired the parent should receive a follow up email
Please note, that email will be sent only if a rule exists for "Reserved Place Offer Expiry Reminder"
Default Payment Line Item Label: Payment label name

Enrolment Offer Workflow

Make Application mandatory before Enrolment Offer Acceptance: Tick to make the application mandatory to deliver before parent can accept an offer
Label: Name 
Enrolment Default Payment Line Item Label: Payment label name
Enrolment Offer Email Delivery Delay (minutes): Delay on offer emails being sent out
Default Enrolment Offer Expiry (days): How many days is the offer active before it expires
Offer Grace Period (days): How many days after the offer has expired can the parent still accept the offer. - After the grace period the staff need to manually change the expiry date or resend a new offer
Parent will not be able to accept the offer once it is expired and grace period is passed"
Trigger Reminder This Number Of Hours Before An Enrolment Offer Expiration: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before the offer is expired the parent should receive a follow up email
Please note, that email will be sent only if a rule exists for "Enrolment Expiry Reminder"
Accept Enrolment Fee: $
Default Payment Line Items: Offer fee, credit card surcharge, late delivery fee etc. 

Parent Signatures

Expression of Interest Form Requires Signatures: Tick to enable parent signatures for this form 
Application for Enrolment Form Requires Signatures: Tick to enable parent signatures for this form 
Reserved Place Acceptance Requires Signatures: Tick to enable parent signatures for this form 
Enrolment Acceptance Requires Signatures: Tick to enable parent signatures for this form 
  • Require ID Image Upload: Tick if parent needs to upload ID
  • Show Principal Signature Box in PDF: Tick if principal's signature should be visible in PDF document
  • Enable Separated Parent Signatures Workflow: Tick if separated signatures should be activated. If ticked parents will be able to submit application without both parents signatures if they tick the sole parent/parent 2 not here to sign checkbox
Middle HTML Content: Text parents see before they sign the form
Bottom HTML Content: Text parents see before they sign the form

Example Middle HTML text: I/we have read and agree to the responsibilities stated above in ‘Enrolment Terms and Expectations of Parents’ and apply for enrolment of my/our child subject to the above conditions.

Example bottom HTML text: I/we declare that the information on provided in this Enrolment Application is, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. I/we recognise that, should statements in this application on later prove to be false or misleading, any decision made as a result of this application on may be reversed.


Interview Duration (minutes): Default interview length including breaks
Parents Interview Duration (minutes): Default interview length without breaks
Priority Options: Add Iinterview priorities (must have minimum one). Priorities are selected for both interviewers and students - some interviewers only hold interviews with certain priorities. Alumnae/scholarship/sibling/standard etc.
Add New Entry
Interview Types: Add types of interviews that are being held. Junior school/senior school etc.
Booking Threshold (days): How many days before the interview can the parents book open slots in parent dashboard
Allowed to book up to X days before the scheduled interview date
Enable Interview Booking by Parent: Enable/Disable if parents can book interviews through parent dashboard
Enable Interview Cancelling by Parent: Enable/Disable if the parent can cancel their interview through parent dashboard
Cancel Threshold (days): How many days before the interview can the parents cancel their booking in parent dashboard
Allowed to cancel up to X days before the scheduled interview date
Number Of Days To Show Parents (Where There Is A Free Interview Time) (days): How many different days that has open interview times should be visible in parent dashboard
Number Of Interview Time Choices Per Day (For Parents) (choices per day): How many different time slots for each day with available interview times should be visible in parent dashboard
Trigger PARENT Reminder This Number Of Hours Before An Interview: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before an interview the parent should receive a follow up email
Please note, that email will be sent only if a rule exists for "Interview Booking Reminder (for Parent)"
Trigger STAFF Reminder This Number Of Hours Before An Interview: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before an interview the staff should receive a follow up email
Please note, that email will be sent only if a rule exists for "Interview Booking Reminder (for Staff)"
Print Notes in the Review PDF: Enable/Disable if notes should be copied to the review PDF
Document With Interview Questions: Upload document with interview questions


Event Type Options: Add types of events that are being held. Open day/Virtual tour/Orientation tour/School tour 
Add New Entry
Trigger PARENT Reminder This Number Of Hours Before An Event: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before an event the parent should receive a follow up email
Please note, that email will be sent only if a rule exists for "Event Booking Reminder (for Parent)"
Trigger STAFF Reminder This Number Of Hours Before An Event: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before an event the staff should receive a follow up email
Please note, that email will be sent only if a rule exists for "Event Reminder (for Staff)"
Hide Event Sessions X Hours Before They Start (hours): Choose how long before an event sessions should become private and disappear from the event booking page - if you don't want last minute registrations
Email Validation Redirect URL For Embedded Form: For embedded event forms - to send parent back to the school URL website instead of to EnrolHQ

Fields Options

Allowed Residency Statuses: Choose which of the following residency statuses you accept at the school: 1. Australian Citizen 2. Permanent Resident or New Zealand Citizen 3. Temporary Resident 4. Non Resident (Currently Residing Overseas)
Calendar Entry Year Prediction Mode: Dropdown menu where you can choose the way the system should predict calendar entry year 
1. Prediction is Off - Prediction is off
2. Calendar Year Prediction for UI Only - Prediction makes a suggestion based on DOB and the desired year level of entry
3. Ensure Applicant is Older than Cut-Off Date - Prediction doesn't let the parent proceed unless the child is older than the cut off date based on the DOB and desired year of entry (for example older than 5 on April 30)
4. Strict Matching for DOB to Year of Entry - Prediction restricts the parent to apply based on a cut off date and is restricted to correct year (for example: older than 5 but less than 6 on April 30)
Entry Year Prediction Cut-Off Month: Select the cut of month that applies (the day is automatically set to the last day if that month)
Multiple choice for How Hear fields: Enable/Disable the how did you hear about us question for application/event/enrolment form
Enable How Hear Fields in Register-Interest Form: Enable/Disable the how did you hear about us question in the Register-Interest Form
Show Preschool Questionnaire For: Choose which year groups should be open for a preschool questionnaire. Not yet at school, Daycare, 3 Year Old Program, Preschool, Kindergarten etc.
Please note that this setting doesn't enable questionnaire. It enables in Form Fields.
Siblings Statuses: Add options for sibling statuses. Expression of Interest Form Submitted, Enrolment Application Submitted, Currently Enrolled etc.
Add New Entry
Show All Alumni/Alumnae Relationship To Applicant? Enable/Disable if all alumnae relations should be shown to the application (for single gender schools where alumni discounts are applicable for other gender alumni connections because of other sister schools)

Misc Options

Register-Interest Form Submit Redirect Delay (seconds): How many seconds to stay on confirmation page before redirecting back to register interest start page
Is Redirect Enabled? Enable/Disable to redirect the parent back to register interest start page from the finished confirmation page
Trigger Student Birthday Reminder This Number Of Hours Before An Event: If automated email is created - choose the default setting on how long before the birthday the parent should receive a birthday email
Lead References: Add different types of lead forms that are used. Enquiry form/Play group sign up form etc.
Add New Entry
Is Student Profile Creation Enabled When Submitting Leads? Enable/Disable if parents can create a new profile/sibling when submitting a lead form
Is Enquiry Enabled For Parent? Enable/Disable if parents see the "submit an enquiry" button in parent dashboard

Mailing address

Input the mailing address. Often it can be the same details as the main campus.


Add 'Cancelled: 'prefix to interviewer calendar title: For interviewers - Enable if a parent cancel an interview appointment it changes the name of the appointment to cancelled instead of removing the appointment from the interviewers calendar
Remove cancelled calendar events from interviewer feed: For interviewers - Enable if a parent cancel an interview appointment it removes the appointment from the interviewers calendar
Enable bulk sync to Synergetic: Enables to export an XML file with multiple student records
Enable bulk sync to SchoolEdge: Enables to export an XML file with multiple student records
Enrolment form header v2 (with background image): Enable if enrolment form should have banner background image and description heading. Disable to have plain original enrolment form background
GPA form header v2 (with background image): Enable if Expression of Interest/Scholarship/GPA form should have banner background image and description heading. Disable to have plain original Expression of Interest/Scholarship/GPA form background
Enquiry form header v2 (with background image): Enable if enquiry form should have banner background image and description heading. Disable to have plain original enquiry form background
Events UI v2: Enable if event form should have banner background image and description heading. Disable to have plain original event form background

Attendance Types & Fee

Default Value: Add attendance types. Day Student/Boarding/Sport etc. 
Add New Entry
Year Of Entry Range: Select which years of entry are applicable for this attendance type (If the year the parents are applying for is not on this list - the attendance type option will not appear as an option to choose)
Accept Application Fee: $
Need Payment? Enable/Disable if attendance type needs payment

Parents Relationships

Default Value: Add parent relationships. Parents Married, Parents Divorced, Parents in De Facto Relationship, Single Parent etc. Mother Deceased
Add New Entry
Parent 2 required: Enable/Disable if forms require both parents to sign forms
If unchecked parent will have ability to mark Parent 2 as "Not Applicable" in the form.
Parents' Relationship Allowlist: If both parents are required to sign forms - overwrite which parent relationships are allowed to proceed without a second signature. Single Parent, Mother Deceased, Father Deceased etc. 
Parent still be able to mark Parent 2 as "Not Applicable" in the form if selected relationship is in this allowlist.

Student Profile Categories

Default Value: Add student profile categories. Flags to filter students. These filters will appear under student detailed view and can be filtered under all prospective > show more.
Add New Entry
Category Name: Name the category. Interests, NAPLAN - Results, DIAGNOSIS, Interview Score etc. 
Is Enabled? Tick if you would like to enable this category so it appears under student detailed view
Is Weight Score For Options Enabled? Choose if this student profile category should make an impact on the students lead score - weighting. (If positive weight - put negative points: for example -2000. If positive impact then put positive points: for example + 2000 points)
Options: When you've created a student profile category you'll need to create options. These are the flags that belong to the category. Excellent Interview Performance, Normal Interview Performance, Poor Interview Performance etc.
Add New Entry

Parent Form Settings: Choose if the student profile category should be open for parents to see as a question in forms. Choose which forms and if the question should be mandatory or not.

Label: What name should appear for parents if activated in form
Always saved in lower case and displayed in UPPER CASE in forms / printed PDF and in Capital Case in admin.
Is Enabled?
  • Application for Enrolment
  • Expression of Interest
  • Event Booking
  • Enquiry
  • Custom Form
Is Mandatory?
  • Application for Enrolment
  • Expression of Interest
  • Event Booking
  • Enquiry
  • Custom Form
Description: If activated for parents - What description should appear?

Input Field Type: Does the parent have to choose a single answer (Radio) or can the parent choose multiple answers (checkbox)?

Changing checkbox to radio may result in data loss if users have ticked more than one checkbox in past form submission.