
18 Oct 2024

  • Added "Education Agent" to parent relationships

16 Oct 2024

  • Added new setting for customising custom form PDF headers: "PDF Header HTML Snippet"

15 Oct 2024

  • New ranking ability based on "days old applications"

14 Oct 2024

  • Extended default custom form list view entries to 25
  • Ability to print blank GPA, ENR and custom form PDF's

11 Oct 2024

  • Added search to custom form list view
  • Added ability to separate custom forms into active and not active

10 Oct 2024

  • Added interview booked by parent to live feed

08 Oct 2024

  • Ability to export attendee numbers for Event Conversion Report > show additional info + export
  • Removed default description text when adding new custom form options
  • Changed to capital letters for radio options for custom forms
  • Ability to copy custom forms
  • Ability to copy automations

04 Oct 2024

  • Added the new document upload fields to document report
  • Added search for event list front page
  • Added entries per page for event list front page

03 Oct 2024

  • Updated relevant custom form blocks with updated document upload fields
  • Added student "Religion Details" form fields to custom forms

01 Oct 2024

  • New filter for Document Report: "Status"
  • Added 3 commonly used filters for Document report as default bookmarks

26 Sept 2024

  • Ability to clone Form Fields, Customisation, Email templates, Automations and User Permissions for new school instances

24 Sept 2024

  • Improved calendar year scroll to always start at current year

23 Sept 2024

  • New upload field for "Proof of Indigenous Status" - available under Student Details > Is The Student Aboriginal Or Torres Strait Islander
  • New upload field for "Reconciliation Certificate" - available under Religion Details
  • New upload field for "Communion Certificate" - available under Religion Details
  • New upload field for "Confirmation Certificate" - available under Religion Details

20 Sept 2024

  • Ability to book several interviewers to the same interview

19 Sept 2024

  • New setting to choose Australian citizenship upload for "everyone" or "born overseas"

18 Sept 2024

  • Ability to add different biller codes per campus for Bpoint under Settings > Payment Settings > Fees and Payment Gateway

17 Sept 2024

  • Ability to change system field "health fund name" to a dropdown question

13 Sept 2024

  • Use campus email and school name in Ical link when interviewer info is hidden

10 Sept 2024

  • Added additional years up to 2048 in Year of Entry Settings
  • Ability to add and delete interview availability time slots under "edit availability"

09 Sept 2024

  • Ability to add separate campus addresses under Settings > Campus

05 Sept 2024

  • Improved email look and feel for link sizes for mobile view

03 Sept 2024

  • Added bookmarks to document report

02 Sept 2024

  • Added lock to prohibit/notify staff from sending document follow-up emails if certain documents have not been unverified

28 Aug 2024

  • Made the interview filters dependant on each other to allow to search for "not booked" students for specific interview types
  • New User Permission: Reports > Send Emails/Edit/Delete Documents In Documents Report

27 Aug 2024

  • New bulk action for document report: Send Document Follow-up Email

23 Aug 2024

  • Improved look and feel of blank Interview Review PDF
  • New Feature: Stubs - set form dependencies

19 Aug 2024

  • New document status for document report: "Unverified but not uploaded" - for any no WITHOUT any documents
  • New document status for document report: "Uploaded but not verified" - for any no or not validated yet WITH documents

14 Aug 2024

  • New bulk action for document report: Delete Documents

12 Aug 2024

  • Added direct link to uploaded documents in document report for bulk reviews

08 Aug 2024

  • New bulk action for document report: Verify documents
  • New bulk action for document report: Unverify documents
  • New setting "Enrolment form mandatory before GPA form" under Settings > Enrolment Workflow

06 Aug 2024

  • Added the new Australian Permanent Resident document fields to change order of document feature
  • Added GST and Credit card Surcharge amounts to the relevant Payment info field
  • Added GST and Credit card Surcharge amounts to transactions report
  • Filter for "alternate" years and "all" now respect application status
  • New -by function in commslog to specify who sent a manual system template

05 Aug 2024

  • Added custom form filter to Document Report

02 Aug 2024

  • Ability to leave "Employment Details Section Title" blank

01 Aug 2024

31 July 2024

  • Updated PDF look and feel for medical section
  • Improved bulk actions for "add interview" and "remove interview" to accommodate for new interview pool feature

29 July 2024

  • Ability to delete interviewer

26 July 2024

  • Changed width of dropdown menus to fit the length of each option

15 July 2024

  • Added gender filter to Dashboard
  • Added gender filter to Intelligence report
  • New merge tag: Is user parent/non user parent an ex-student
  • Added student "residential details" form fields to custom forms

12 July 2024

  • Added Government Data Collection and Employment Details section title to Customisation
  • Added Government Data Collection and Employment Details section HTML snippet to Customisation

11 July 2024

  • Added student "preschool questionnaire" form fields to custom forms
  • Enrolment document: NAPLAN, when mandatory, is optional for year 4 or below
  • Enrolment document: School Reports, when mandatory, is optional for kindergarten or below

10 July 2024

  • Added number of sent emails to "sent notifications"
  • Updated the look and feel of Print PDF
  • Added sibling details to interview review PDF
  • "Parish" added to custom form - student demographics block

09 July 2024

08 July 2024

  • New automatic subheading for ACARA questions for GPA and ENR forms

05 July 2024

  • Added a new form field: Permanent resident: "permanent residency certificate document upload field"
  • Ability to export Student Geo Data report
  • Ability to export Top Schools report

01 July 2024

  • Added a new optional dropdown field under Current School Details section called "current school custom field" including an "other" option if selected
  • Added Student name and External ID to Tasks report

27 June 2024

  • Added student "contact details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added Custom Form Manual Payments

24 June 2024

  • Medical Conditions moved to Settings > School Details > Medical Conditions.
  • New Field 'Severe Y/N' added as option against each Medical Condition.
  • New Field 'Symptoms / Treatment' added as option against each Medical Condition.
  • New Field 'Medication' added as option against each Medical Condition.

22 June 2024

  • Added Pre School Field as an option to select in Current School Field Dropdown. This will open a field to enter the Pre school name instead of using Other.

19 June 2024

  • Ability to take payments on custom forms with 3rd party submissions.

14 June 2024

  • Added ability to X out notifications as they pop up in the top right corner.

12 June 2024

  • New system field: "Ambulance fund number"
  • Added ability to group for "Student Geo Data" and "Top School" reports

11 June 2024

  • New system field: "Traditional name"

07 June 2024

  • Added improved date range filter for Dashboard and Reporting
  • Added ability to switch between map view and monthly chart in Geo Data Report and Top Schools Report

30 May 2024

  • Link to Changelog added under main menu > Support
  • New filter: All Prospective > Show More > Student Demographics > "Student Lives With"
  • New filter: All Prospective > Show More > Student Demographics > "Does The Student Speak A Language Other Than English At Home"
  • New filter: All Prospective > Show More > Student Demographics > "Country Of Birth"
  • New filter: All Prospective > Show More > Student Demographics > "Nationality"
  • Made all form field labels editable
  • Ability to choose selection of records under All Prospective tables

23 May 2024

  • New custom form setting to show/hide submitted PDF from parent dashboard
  • Added a total to Student Geo-Data report and Top-Schools Report table

22 May 2024

  • Improved UI Custom Form Settings

20 May 2024

  • Ability to set Student Profile Categories using automations

17 May 2024

  • New Report: Student Geo-Data
  • New Report: Top Schools
  • New filter All Prospective: "Custom form assigned"
  • Ability to change status using automation
  • New Feature: Custom Form Payment

16 May 2024

  • Ability to make alternate entry details > preferred
  • Added Google as SAML-based SSO
  • Cohort filter to respect alternative entry details
  • Read the article: Interview Pooling

15 May 2024

  • Ability to disable phone verification for new parents

14 May 2024

  • New Feature: Interview Pool

13 May 2024

  • New automation triggers for Review: "Not validated", "Yes", "More Info Required" and "No"

07 May 2024

  • Alternative status added as filter under All Prospective and Review module

03 May 2024

  • Added additional Entry Grade (-5) under Year of Entry Settings
  • Added "save notes" button for interview notes and a separate permission to User roles
  • Added Interview tab permissions to User roles
  • Ability to use "staff review" and "leadership review" without having ENR form submitted

29 Apr 2024

  • Added Billing details tab to User roles
  • Added Medical details to User roles
  • Enquiry Date and Booking Date added to All Prospective columns to show

26 Apr 2024

  • Added custom form invite and custom form tabs to User roles
  • Added Audit log permissions to User roles
  • Ability to turn off contacts menu but leave search field to User roles
  • Added Enquiry tab permissions to User roles
  • Added Event booking tab permissions to User roles
  • Added Student profile category permissions to User roles

24 Apr 2024

  • Parent salutations are replaced by one merge tag
  • New form field allowing parents to choose parent salutations
  • Added embed code for Events and Enquiry forms to Parent Links

23 Apr 2024

  • Added external ID and student ID to All Prospective columns to show
  • Added preview to customisation elements

22 Apr 2024

  • Added parents' preferred name to search option
  • Added parents' preferred name to CSV export
  • Added parents' preferred name to event list CSV export
  • Added parents' preferred name to custom form submits CSV export
  • Added parents' preferred name to All Prospective columns to show

19 Apr 2024

  • Ability to skip mandatory steps in preview form mode

17 Apr 2024

  • Improved UI Student Detailed View - GPA and ENR tabs

15 Apr 2024

  • New filter: "religion" under All Prospective > Show More > Student Demographics
  • New filter: "which parent is user parent" under All Prospective > Show More > Parent Demographics
  • Added API fields for external ID for siblings and guardians

12 Apr 2024

  • New Feature: Added alternative status to alternative years of entry
  • New Feature: Preview GPA and ENR form

05 Apr 2024

  • Added the ability to create new User Roles
  • Added Profile Notes permissions to User roles
  • Added Review permissions to User roles

04 Apr 2024

  • Added Staff tasks permissions to User roles

30 Mar 2024

  • Added ability to deactivate campus
  • Added Campus display to Parent Dashboard

28 Mar 2024

  • Added Stage for Cancelled Event Bookings to Event Conversion Report
  • Event Booking Status and Exclude Event Booking Status to Event Conversion Report

27 Mar 2024

  • Sent automations now showing in email tracking report and comms log
  • Added ability to choose or restrict available grade/years levels per campus

26 Mar 2024

  • UI on Student Interview tab got some polish
  • Lead Settings moved into it's own Card under Settings > School Details
  • Added statistics to Attendees table under Events

24 Mar 2024

  • Added Settings permissions to User Roles
  • Added Leads permissions to User Roles
  • Added Custom Forms permissions to User Roles

23 Mar 2024

  • New Bulk Action: Set expiry date for Reserved Place Offer

21 Mar 2024

  • Added the ability to redirect a specific event to a custom URL or a confirmation text in addition to the default booking URL
  • Increased the pagination page limit in the list view to 300 items
  • Added a setting in Customisation. "Lock Entry Grade and Entry Year if Enrolment Application has a submission"

20 Mar 2024

  • Added additional options for parent relationships "Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunty, Uncle"
  • Added term to Application Review PDF
  • Added new mergetag - Current school name

18 Mar 2024

  • Added new default automation: "Event Booking Cancelled - Parent"

15 Mar 2024

  • Added parent Relationships to Custom Form Submits export
  • Added 4 new questions under Medical data export: Permission to give student Panadol, Nurofen, Ventolin, Antihistamine
  • Improved UI All Prospective - Bulk actions filtered into categories

14 Mar 2024

  • Improved UI emails - removed unused "send email to" recipient checkboxes for staff and parent system emails
  • Added default "parents' BCC email" to Settings > Campuses
  • For "send password update email" - changed redirect to Parent Dashboard instead of Application form
  • Added student profile category filters to Event Conversion Report

13 Mar 2024

  • New checkbox "send email to staff" under email template settings
  • Ability to disable system emails by unticking all recipient checkboxes

12 Mar 2024

  • Added timeframe options to event conversion report
  • Improved UI All Prospective - Moved advanced filters into categories

07 Mar 2024

  • Added event campus to events for correct email communication

05 Mar 2024

  • Increased maximum "alternative year of entry" years from 3 - 7

01 Mar 2024

  • Added more visible action buttons to Add New Contact, Merge Profiles and Bulk Actions under All Prospective
  • New Report: Event Conversion

28 Feb 2024

  • Ability to choose vertical or horizontal menu in Student Detailed View
  • Improved UI - Event module

22 Feb 2024

  • Added the ability to filter "alternate" years of entry or "all" including both preferred and alternate > All Prospective
  • Ability to add a horizontal strip above banner photo. Enable in customisation and set strip color under look & feel

21 Feb 2024

  • Filters for "select profile" under All Prospective changed to keep all selected records

20 Feb 2024

  • Added "clear filters" button to dashboard
  • Doubled width on custom category columns under All Prospective

16 Feb 2024

  • Moved Campus contact details to Settings > Campus
  • Improved UI Student Detailed View - added new Vertical Menu
  • Added "new" stamp for new releases
  • Added Bookmarks to Student Conversion Report
  • Custom checkboxes style on Terms page for parents now matches the system checkboxes.
  • Manual Enquiry Date added to Enquiry Tab

14 Feb 2024

  • Added automation category for merge tags
  • "Enrolment Offer Accepted Parent" email added to the Form Of Acceptance PDF
  • Improved UI Student Detailed View - top section (option to hide student, parent and sibling info)
  • Read the article: Student Profile Conversion

13 Feb 2024

  • Added ability to export CSV for Student Profile Conversion report

12 Feb 2024

  • Ability to reorder documents from Settings > Fields Options
  • Improved UI Student Detailed View - Document tab
  • New Setting under Settings > Customisation: Allows to choose where to display EOI and application link in Parent Dashboard

09 Feb 2024

08 Feb 2024

  • New event status "Registered" - on by default
  • New Report: Student Profile Conversion

02 Feb 2024

  • New filter All Prospective > Show More: Alternate Year of Entry
  • New filter All Prospective > Show More: Alternate Calendar Year of Entry
  • New filter All Prospective > Show More: Alternate Campus

29 Jan 2024

  • New Feature: Hard delete functionality
  • Delete student profiles (deletes the whole record and associated documents)
  • Delete documents only
  • Delete Medical and Special Abilities data in bulk and individual
  • Read the article: "Alternative Years of Entry"

26 Jan 2024

  • Added date and time for document uploads

24 Jan 2024

  • Invitation for enrolment application now respects statuses under Settings > School Details

22 Jan 2024

  • New filter: "In Status For Longer Than"

18 Jan 2024

  • New feature: Alternative year of entry

05 Jan 2024

03 January 2024

18 December 2023

  • Improved UI Automations
  • Added yellow warning message and link to adjust reminder trigger times for automations
  • Added yellow warning message to show when automation is scheduled based on reminder times and/or delay

14 December 2023

  • Added new setting under Settings > Payment Settings > Fees and Payment gateway. Separate credit card surcharge field for AMEX

13 December 2023

  • Combined Settings > Customization > "Offer Terms and Conditions" and "Offer Sign Step" into one "Offer Signature step"
  • Improved UI Offer Signature step for better navigation
  • Added a yellow warning message for CPO/RPO Acceptance PDF Header HTML Snippet
  • Increased interview duration from 60 minutes to 120 minutes

12 December 2023

  • Added a "Profiles" link in Custom Form Submits that transfers all filtered profiles to All Prospective for further actions
  • Added current school and student profile categories to CSV export for Custom Form Submits

08 December 2023

  • Updated printed student profile categories for custom forms - Table in PDF
  • Updated printed student profile categories for custom forms - Table in online form
  • Added "Offer Specific Terms HTML Snippet" to Customization > Confirmed Place Offer Sign Step and Reserved Place Offer Sign Step for plain HTML text on offer acceptances

07 December 2023

  • Improved UI Student Detailed View - top section (currently available for feedback using the "try new UI" toggle)

05 December 2023

  • Added a new interview block on parent dashboard with interview information and the ability to cancel interview

04 December 2023

  • Sibling questions added to Enquiry and Event Booking form - off by default
  • Global change to all "yellow warning messages" for parents - contact the school office by email

01 December 2023

  • Added email signature edit to commslog
  • Selected Student Profile Categories for print (custom forms) now show when completing form online

28 November 2023

  • New filter under Reports > Custom Form Submits: Attendance Types
  • Parent Relationships can hide non-user parent fields in custom forms upon profile creation
  • Customization terms and conditions fields automatically pull to Parent Signatures HTML for GPA, ENR, RPO and CPO print PDF

27 November 2023

  • UI change - offer: Made manual offer expiry, manual offer made and manual offer accepted more clear

23 November 2023

  • New system field: Input box to specify if gender is other

22 November 2023

  • Added External ID to emergency contact CSV export
  • Added Enquiry comments to Enquiry CSV export

21 November 2023

  • Added new link from Student Detailed View - Parent Relationships
  • Added new link from Student Detailed View - Interview Priorities

17 November 2023

  • External ID added to interview schedule CSV export

16 November 2023

  • For Offer acceptance and Reserved Place Offer acceptance - removed the "disabled" payment tickbox on the signature page
  • Added a yellow warning message to All Prospective to show how many records are available based on filtering and how many are selected for Bulk Actions
  • Added student "Cultural Requirments" form fields to custom forms
  • Added WYSIWYG editor to Introductory HTML Snippet and Confirmation Html for custom forms
  • Allow for Introductory HTML Snippet to be used if Allow Profile Creation is disabled
  • Commslog records the filename of any attachments that was sent in the email

15 November 2023

  • In All Prospective - top checkbox selects all records instead of only first page
  • In All Prospective - top menu bar freezes to see column headings
  • In All Prospective - bottom scroll bar freezes
  • Added parent "Parent 2 not applicable HTML" block to custom forms to hide parent 2 if there is only 1 parent

14 November 2023

  • Option to redirect a custom form to Enrolment Offer acceptance page
  • The top menu in Student Detailed View displays GPA application date if activated
  • "Year of arrival to Australia" and "Visa Arrival Date" dates allowed to be set to the future
  • Event header on booking page changes to Event name for private events
  • New filter under All Prospective: Not Booked for Event

10 November 2023

  • New Bulk action: Set Student Profile Categories
  • New Bulk Action: Set Attendance Type

09 November 2023

  • New "Mark as Refunded" button that records the date/time of the refund

08 November 2023

  • Ability to change payment amounts for GPA/ENR/RPO/CPO for multiple students under All Prospective > Bulk Actions
  • Ability to make manual payments for multiple students under All Prospective > Bulk Actions

06 November 2023

  • Option to add links to the Enrolment Dashboard
  • Added parent "Parent/Carer N Health Care Details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added External ID to the Interview Sheet

03 November 2023

  • In All Prospective added GPA staff review and GPA principal review as columns

02 November 2023

  • New toggle: "Print Attendance type" on custom form PDF
  • New toggle: "Print Campus" on custom form PDF
  • New toggle: "Show Student Code on form" on custom form PDF

30 October 2023

  • Reserved Place Offer "made", "accepted", "completed", "expiry date" added as optional columns in All Prospective
  • Reserved Place Offer "made", "accepted", "completed", "expiry date" added as exportable fields to CSV

27 October 2023

  • Improved UI student detailed view > student tab
  • Improved UI student detailed view > parent 1 tab
  • Improved UI student detailed view > parent 2 tab
  • Added new CSV export field: manual/submission date GPA form
  • Added new CSV export field: manual/submission date ENR form
  • Update to custom form submit > CSV export - now exports only selected form

26 October 2023

  • New system field: "unique student identifier (USI) under current school details
  • Medical conditions "provide details" and "medication" questions changed to text area

25 October 2023

  • Automatically compress large images below the allowable limit
  • Allow for unlimited document attachments to each enrolment workflow at the signing stage
  • Allow to select which documents should show at the signing stage based on status
  • Allow to select which documents should show at the signing stage based on entry grades
  • Allow to select which documents should show at the signing stage based on attendance
  • Allow to select which documents should show at the signing stage based on "international yes/no"

24 October 2023

  • New filter under All Prospective: Parent Relationships

23 October 2023

  • New feature: split signatures for custom forms

19 October 2023

  • Improved logic to parent agreement "offer labels"

18 October 2023

  • Added new system field "Middle Name" for Guardian and Parent

12 October 2023

  • New feature: custom form arbitrary signing

11 October 2023

  • New system field - expiry date for WWC number under Guardian Section
  • Added suggested resolution sizes under Look&Feel

09 October 2023

  • Ability to sort student profile category options

06 October 2023

  • Billing section added to CSV export

05 October 2023

  • Printed labels ordered by last name
  • Separate year of entry settings for campuses

03 October 2023

  • The dashboard now shows up to 20 tasks (used to show 5 next in line)
  • New link on staff dashboard to view all your "Assigned Tasks" and manage
  • Added student "enrolment document section" form fields to custom forms so you can link your system enrolment document uploads.

29 September 2023

  • Added option to specify "other" gender option for parents and attached siblings, not just the student
  • Past events can be edited up to 1 month after event (say you go to a regional event with no WIFI and want to add some attendees to your event when you get back to the office).

28 September 2023

  • Added parent "How Hear Section" form fields to custom forms

26 September 2023

  • Increased to 2 decimal places for credit card surcharge

24 September 2023

  • Added "Language other than english" question as filter for custom forms

22 September 2023

  • Agent block available for all residency statuses

21 September 2023

  • Separated parent and staff templates under Email Settings > Templates

15 September 2023

  • Option to redirect a custom form straight to Parent Dashboard (New)
  • Option to redirect a custom form to another Form (useful if you have a Custom Form Workflow in place) (New)
  • Option to redirect a custom form dedirect to any URL

14 September 2023

  • Added 5 extra custom statuses under Settings > Enrolment Journey Stages
  • Added terms and conditions documents to the ENR, GPA and Offer PDF bundle. Schools can choose which documents to include in Settings > Customization
  • New setting for custom forms: Mandatory before ENR/Application form

13 September 2023

  • UI update look & feel Settings > Student Profile Categories

12 September 2023

  • Enabled to choose split signature workflow based on parent relationship under Settings > School Details > Parent Signatures

1 September 2023

  • Preferred name changed to an editable field when representing information back to the parent
  • Ability to add multiple interview invite templates under Email Settings > Templates > Interview > Add
  • Added ability to edit emergency contact title in Settings > Customization
  • Upcoming Events in admin now display in order of event date - so the next date first.

25 August 2023

  • Automated interview reminders can now be sent based on interview types

22 August 2023

  • Added new Bulk Action - Remove invitation to enrol
  • New filter in All Prospective - Show everyone who has been invited to enrol

21 August 2023

  • When reopening forms, added the option to retain old payment amount or apply updated payment amount from Payment Settings
  • Offer payment details will still show despite status change

18 August 2023

  • Manual offer acceptance date for reserved place offer is reflected in All Prospective
  • Added search to Knowledgebase and Training Videos

16 August 2023

  • Emails in comms log show date/time stamp and who sent it if available

15 August 2023

  • Activities shows who logged the activity and date/time stamp in comms log > date created field

14 August 2023

  • Added two new filters on dashboard "last 7 days“ and "last 30 days"
  • Ability to review all enrolment documents under the review tab based on what's activated in Form Fields

11 August 2023

  • Added an option to select "single message per recipient" for bulk emails to exclude sending multiple emails to parents with several profiles
  • Added accordion style UI to Settings > School Details and Settings > Customization

9 August 2023

  • Custom form "field name" is sequential and removes errors with identical name fields

8 August 2023

  • Added HTML editor to description text in Form Fields

3 August 2023

  • Preferred name added to search
  • Alumni years go back to 1850

31 July 2023

  • Interview questions can be filtered by attendance types
  • Interview questions can be filtered on student profile categories

28 July 2023

  • Settings > Integrations available for admin users

27 July 2023

  • Added a field to input manual payment date for past transactions

26 July 2023

  • Added parent "demographics" form fields to custom forms

25 July 2023

  • Ability to Show External ID in Parent Dashboard. Toggle added to Settings > Customisation > Enrolment Dashboard
  • New setting - label for external ID - under Settings > Customization > Common Settings

21 July 2023

  • Added student "parent relationship" form fields to custom forms
  • Added student "demographics" form fields to custom forms
  • Added student "school connections" form fields to custom forms
  • Added parent "alumnus details" form fields to custom forms

17 July 2023

  • Ability to Show Attendance Type in Parent Dashboard. Toggle added to Settings > Customisation > Enrolment Dashboard
  • Ability to Show Student ID in Parent Dashboard. Toggle added to Settings > Customisation > Enrolment Dashboard

15 July 2023

  • Enrolment and GPA Form submit details added to Audit Log
  • Parent Work details and Demographics added to Custom Forms as insertable blocks.

11 July 2023

  • Added a new event block on parent dashboard with event information and the ability to cancel event
  • Added new setting to event - allow event cancellation
  • .ics file turned on by default
  • Added student "nationalities/residency details" form fields to custom forms

10 July 2023

  • Added student "personal details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added student "entry details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added student "current school" form fields to custom forms
  • Added parent "personal details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added parent "residential/mailing address" form fields to custom forms
  • Added parent "contact details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added parent "religion details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added parent "nationalities/residency details" form fields to custom forms
  • Added signature ticks to offer process

07 July 2023

  • Added two new email tags: Entry grade less than {% if profile.entry_grade|lt:X %} and Entry grade greater than {% if profile.entry_grade|gt:X %}

03 July 2023

  • Added General Ledger codes (GL) codes to Settings > Payment Settings

26 June 2023

  • Improved search in leads: student's first name

23 June 2023

  • Changed so Parent Dashboard is still available for declined parents

22 June 2023

  • New option under School Details > Fields Options to select default nationality
  • Added "is parent an ex-student" to CSV export
  • Added "is parent a current staff member" to CSV export
  • Campus added as a filter for interview questions
  • Timestamp for offer expiry date has been added to offer tab

21 June 2023

  • Improved mobile view on parent dashboard interview booking

16 June 2023

  • Made heading "Citizenship, Residency and Visa details" editable in customization

14 June 2023

  • UI improvement - Page stays same and filter on interviewers saved when adjusting availabilities

13 June 2023

  • Added interview type to interview tab > interviewer name for schools that use multiple interview types for the same interviewer

09 June 2023

  • Print labels for event attendees can now be filtered by sessions and individual families
  • Added guardian and sibling form fields to custom forms

08 June 2023

  • Added search field to email templates

03 June 2023

  • Improved mobile view on parent dashboard

30 May 2023

  • Added sorting by "student last name" to event attendee list

21 May 2023

  • New message "email sent" in parent dashboard for parents sending offer acceptance to the second parent.
  • Ability to upload more than one ID document on signature step

18 May 2023

  • Parent Dashboard individualised downloads
  • Alumni years go back to 1900

16 May 2023

  • Student code added to CSV export
  • Added alphabetical sorting to event attendees

12 May 2023

  • Automation can be sent based on new filters: years of entry, calendar years of entry, attendance types, campuses and student profile categories

04 May 2023

  • New date/time filter for interviews booked
  • New Parent ACARA fields to CSV export

21 April 2023

  • Lead form URL added to Settings to allow hosting local lead forms

19 April 2023

  • Upgraded password security

18 April 2023

  • New setting that allows to set GST by percentage
  • Added attendance type to Lead Form

11 April 2023

  • Split payments at Offer of Place

4 April 2023

  • Manual Dates for Offer, Events and Interview.
  • Added Gender, Attendance Type, Term of Entry, Grade of Entry, Year of Entry to reserved place offer and confirmed place offer PDF's
  • Added Student Code (Optional Field)

28 March 2023

  • Improved the "Print Labels" rendering
  • Added new email tag - he/she/they
  • Bookings > Family Group Export had the following fields added: Email Address (user parent), Suburb (user parent), How Hear String, Attended, Single Family Name (last name of applicant 1), Split Applicant so that Name, Status, Entry Grade, Entry Year are individual columns.

24 March 2023

  • New checkbox to enable/disable attendance type from parent choice
  • Review Screen - Inclusive Learning re-labelled to Diversity
  • Review Screen - Ability to exclude options from being flagged in Medical column - Exclude from Review in Settings > Form Fields > Abilities > Student Well-being
  • Print version of EnrolHQ Forms - Added the following to the top of each PDF: [Gender, Attendance Type, Term of Entry, Grade of Entry, Year of Entry]

21 March 2023

  • Custom form bundle download on parent dashboard shows uploads
  • Notes sorted by date

20 March 2023

  • Added new print Enrolment PDF button under Interview > Schedule to print all enrolment documents supplied so far
  • On export schedule: added both parents title, first name and last name

16 March 2023

  • Email address added to billing details section

10 March 2023

  • "Nationality" now allows selecting multiple nationalities

09 March 2023

  • Added new attendance sheet "Family groups" to event attendees.

06 March 2023

  • New system field - Social Units/iwi for international schools
  • Ethnic origin is changed to be a multi-select field

03 March 2023

  • Allow renaming parent dashboard - customization > Parent Dashboard
  • New report - Student Status Conversion

22 February 2023

  • UI dashboard improvement - added bar, horizontal bar, line, area, doughnut and pie graph options to "How Did You Hear About Us?", "Top Schools" and "Top Suburbs" boxes
  • UI dashboard improvement - improved map to heat map with different colours based on quantity

17 February 2023

  • Added Printed Email PDF Top and Bottom Logo to display on the Printed PDF and fixed PDF look & Feel
  • New bulk action: Waive Enrolment Offer Second Parent Acceptance/Confirmation
  • Removed checkbox if no T&C/privacy policy or other documents are uploaded
  • Student Gender added to CSV export

14 February 2023

  • Drag and drop added to email settings and comms log.
  • Added customizing HTML containers for event booking

10 February 2023

  • UI dashboard improvement - drag and drop

09 February 2023

  • UI dashboard improvement - added 2022 details to dashboard graphs as comparison
  • New toggle in Settings to allow print of external profile ID on GPA and ENR PDF forms
  • UI dashboard improvement - removed lines from graphs
  • UI dashboard improvement - added day, week, month and quarter filters on top of dashboard
  • UI dashboard improvement - added bar, horizontal bar, line, area, doughnut and pie graph options to enquiries, event bookings, application and latest enrolment form submissions boxes.

02 February 2023

  • New Setting: Allows to choose Calendar Year of Entry Prediction on/off for each year level

01 February 2023

  • New setting for custom header and footer for each individual email template under Advanced Settings
  • UI dashboard improvement - removed borders and updated background color

30 January 2023

  • Added AND/OR filter options to custom categories under "show more"
  • Staff can bypass verification message on new profiles using log in as parent

27 January 2023

  • Added new attendee checkboxes to event booking form step 3
  • Added mailing details to the "update contact details" section in Parent Dashboard
  • Added Campus dropdown at the top of Student Detailed View
  • Made navbar with important button floating
  • Added sorting to status and custom category columns by option name

24 January 2023

  • Scrollbar inside email templates preview is now manual and can be dragged to the bottom
  • Added last login timestamp for users in User Management
  • Made it mandatory to collect phone number for 2FA when creating a new user
  • Added drag and drop to the Document section under Student Detailed View
  • Added student external ID to search

23 January 2023

  • New Bulk Action - Reset custom forms
  • Parent Dashboard added as a separate item on Main Menu

19 January 2023

  • Grade Year Settings and Year of Entry Settings combined and UI updated
  • Individual toggles for activated year range and current school range
  • Preschool questionnaire can be enabled for any year/grade

11 Jan 2023

  • New CSV export field: Current School Suburb

10 Jan 2023

  • Parent ID added to respective parent tab
  • "Correspondence be sent to" added to CSV export
  • Default localization questions adjusted for New Zealand schools
  • Reset password for staff user log in
  • SSO for staff user

16 Dec 2022

  • Changes in payment settings are now tracked in Audit Log
  • Added Event Booking Questionnaire to add custom questions in Form Fields
  • Added ability to link Event Booking Questionnaire questions to specific Event Types

15 Dec 2022

  • Dropdown question for alumni years extended to 1900

14 Dec 2022

  • Redirect URL fields added in Settings > Customization for enquiry and event booking confirmation pages

12 Dec 2022

  • New CSV field under residency: visa information available in CSV export.

08 Dec 2022

  • Added a manual payment page at the final stage of application and offer process if payments are not taken via EnrolHQ
  • Avatar, current year and school information display in parent dashboard is disabled by form field settings on ENR form

29 Nov 2022

  • Main menu Support Nav changed to "Submit a Support Ticket", "Training videos" and "Knowledgebase"

25 Nov 2022

  • Alert for submitted applications and EOI that prevent parent from creating a duplicate
  • Alert for incomplete applications and EOI that prevent parent from creating a duplicate

24 Nov 2022

  • Added 37 new tooltips around the system
  • Change 2FA text for new users

16 Nov 2022

  • Added sorting to following columns: Student DOB, Calendar Year of Entry, Year of Entry

15 Nov 2022

  • New Bulk Action - Waive 2nd parent acceptance
  • Parent Relationship added to Interview PDF

11 Nov 2022

  • Added ability to change contract label on EOI and GPA forms
  • The signing step on the EOI and GPA form changed to individual download checkboxes - same as for offers

10 Nov 2022

  • 3 new questions with provide details and document upload added to abilities section

08 Nov 2022

  • Abilities questionnaire added to Form Fields
  • Option to change placement added to abilities section

03 Nov 2022

  • Application date displayed next to student name in Student Detailed View
  • Application box in Dashboard displays all custom Enrolment Journey Stages

28 Oct 2022

  • Added student mobile number to CSV export

27 Oct 2022

  • Added Cohort filter to contact and review menu

26 Oct 2022

  • Added ability to nominate Agent Details. Can be activated under Fields Options > non-resident and Form Fields > Agent Details

21 Oct 2022

  • Now allowing to assign the same interviewer to a profile after the previous interview is marked as complete

19 Oct 2022

  • Added date created filter to see when new profiles are created. Student Detailed View > Enquiries
  • Added info to Interview Calendar Entries - "Interview descriptor" shows Entry Grade Label and Entry Year
  • Added info to Interview Calendar Entries - Added Campus, Attendance Type and House if exists to the description of the event

14 Oct 2022

  • Allowed parents to see their submitted forms with the submitted time/datestamp inside their parent dashboard. 
  • Provided the option to set the download expiry of the PDF forms on the parent side. The default expiry is set at 30 days. You can change this expiry setting inside Settings > School Details > Misc Options > Submitted Form Download Timeout. Options include: Never allow download, Never Expire, and different day ranges (30, 60, 90, 180, 365). We hope this helps.

7 Oct 2022

  • Added toggle for printing only attendees names in Event labels.
  • Cancel scheduled Synergetic sync button added.
  • Floating save button on Settings pages in Admin to help reduce scrolling.
  • Added 'House' field to sibling.

5 Oct 2022

  • Add guardian details label setting - Settings > Customisation.
  • Can edit parent label setting (replace Parent / Carer title) - Settings > Customisation.

4 Oct 2022

  • Add copy/paste feature for addresses in admin.
  • How hear: personal referral - Ability to collect name of referrer in How did you hear? Settings > Form Fields
  • Add profile address changes to audit log.
  • Add field for title of Billing step in Settings > Customisation.
  • Added new Billing step in Settings > Form Fields.

27 Sept 2022

  • Add suggested duplicates into student detail - looks at student's name and date of birth.

23 Sept 2022

  • Editing is now disabled if 2 or more people looking at profile inside the admin.
  • Showing Parent Relationship and Parental Responsibility details on Comms Log when you send an email.

16 Sept 2022

  • Parent's details (Country of Birth, Nationality and the Language spoken at home other than English) added to CSV export
  • New email merge tag for VSN number

15 Sept 2022

  • New graph - Cumulative Enquiries Year to Date
  • New graph - Cumulative Event Bookings Year to Date
  • New graph - Cumulative GPA submissions Year to Date
  • New graph - Cumulative ENR submissions Year to Date
  • New graph - Cumulative Offers Accepted Year to Date
  • New campus filter in the reports section
  • New date selector in the reports section
  • Added Event Selector for Conversion Reports

14 Sept 2022

  • The red x under application tab that represents the second parent's signature is removed when the signature is waived or if it's single-parent family

13 Sept 2022

  • Audit log records archived payments

08 Sept 2022

  • Added HTML into custom forms to allow for embedded videos and different inline CSS etc.
  • New tab under all prospective called "Reserved place offer made" available
  • Staff are now allowed to cancel past interview bookings

06 Sept 2022

  • Added HTML into custom and marketing emails to iallow background images and different inline CSS etc.

02 Sept 2022

  • Created toggles that activate/deactivate Enrolment Journey Stages in Parent Dashbaord called "Show in the Enrolment Process"

01 Sept 2022

  • Made activity log comment not mandatory
  • Remove mandatory off student profile photos in staff dashboard

31 Aug 2022

  • New setting for custom forms that can activate a custom form based on student profile categories and attendance types

30 Aug 2022

  • New interview setting that stops parents from booking interviews within X days before the interview availabilities

23 Aug 2022

  • VSN field will show all the time and is not connected to Current School Details or Grade of Entry
  • Current School Details will show even if Grade of Entry < 0
  • New delete button for Student Photos
  • Added extra field to Emergency Contact called "Notification in the event of an Emergency"
  • Added 'title' for Principal

19 Aug 2022

  • Enrolment Journey Stages released - Activate, deactivate, rename and change the position of different enrolment stages.

09 Aug 2022

  • Health care card questions now visible on PDF documents if activated.
  • CSS change - Staff dashboard login.

05 Aug 2022

  • For international students: made the visa optional for non residents in case the student visa has not been issued yet

03 Aug 2022

  • New verification tag "Verified by <Name> - Date" on all uploads in the PDF bundle that have been verified by the school

02 Aug 2022

  • CSS change - Added a green preview button for custom forms
  • Added a toggle to choose GPA numbers in predictor report for schools that use GPA as main enrolment form

01 August 2022

  • CSS change - Under offer tab: separated second parent tasks into it's own card
  • CSS change - Under offer tab: moved manual payment button to the top with fee options
  • CSS change - Under offer tab: added save button next to offer expiry date
  • CSS change - In application: move the tick boxes so they align with the heading
  • CSS change - Under form fields: added accordion for the fields
  • CSS change - Under dashboard: added same spacing between boxes 

29 July 2022

  • Ability to search by phone numbers starting in (0)XXX XXX XXX
  • Interview location added to interview PDF

27 July 2022

  • Added a new toggle in Events that allows to hide students and siblings when printing attendee labels and only show the people registered
  • New Make Offer bulk action under Review > Bulk Actions > Make Offer

25 July 2022

  • Added preschool questionnaire to CSV export
  • Added a new “empty category” filter that allows you to pick any custom category and it will show all profiles that don’t have a filter applied
  • CSS change - increased font weight on buttons to 700 
  • Siblings no longer get unlinked when one is moved to cancelled/archived or not proceedin

20 July 2022

  • Custom form PDF bundle for each custom form and the uploaded documents
  • 2 new email tags: him_her_them and his_her_their

18 July 2022

  • New on/off toggle for "house" for headings on custom forms
  • Form errors tab highlighted in red to show where the problem occurs
  • Added option "other" under alumni connections and space to specify

12 July 2022

  • Lead score (weighting) enabled on priorities

11 July 2022

  • Added "add priorities” and “remove priorities” under all prospective > bulk actions

08 July 2022

  • The last enquiry can be responded to from Commslog - send email
  • All forms - all subheadings changed to the schools primary color and all mandatory * in red color

06 July 2022

  • Live feed - respects Grade/Year/Attendance type filters
  • Live feed - responded enquiries are marked as (Responded)
  • Live feed - new document uploads from parents are named
  • Live feed - documents that have been verified are marked as (Verified) 
  • Live feed - the feed displays staff reviewed and principal reviewed flags

04 July 2022

  • Incomplete applications are automatically removed from the dashboard if a manual submission date is set
  • Added a new email and SMS tag {{ latest_interview_booking }} - that can be used in various templates to show the latest interview booking
  • 3 new system fields/questions are added under form fields > profile with belonging payment logic fields under payment settings to set a different price if "yes" 

Are you applying for Bursary? Yes/No
Are you applying for Scholarship? Yes/No
Will you be applying for AIEF Scholarship? Yes/No

29 June 2022

  • Custom form scroll is removed. Changes can be made by floating box on the right side 

28 June 2022

  • Added toggle to make custom forms mandatory before a reserved place offer can be accepted
  • Application status added to event attendee sheet

27 June 2022

  • Added a Yes/No question before opening siblings and alumni section
  • Read the article: "School Details"

23 June 2022

  • Added a new toggle that can enable/disable parents to start or continue an Enrolment Application form after a manual submission date is set
  • The enrolment process in parent dashboard will be updated to enrolment application if a manual submission is set
  • Alumnae years go back to 1930
  • Default Application Confirmation Checkbox text is now editable and can be removed if terms and conditions are attached
  • Default Enrolment Offer checkbox text is now editable and can be removed if terms and conditions are attached

22 June 2022

  • Added Campus as a student field that is displayed on custom forms if activated

16 June 2022

  • Added gender filter to all prospective

15 June 2022

  • Added warning message on re-open form to minimise mistakes
  • Added staff description area for emails

09 June 2022

  • New filter under All Prospective - Student Interests
  • New filter on Dashboard - Enrolment Type

06 June 2022

  • New email tag for interview templates: interview_booking
  • Updated contact details are visible in the audit log

01 June 2022

  • Added filter on live feed to select and show different types of actions
  • Added 6 graphs to Dashboard 
  • Removed colours to improve UI on Dashboard

30 May 2022

  • Cleaned up registered for event filter. All events are arranged by date and past events are now greyed out
  • Staff/principal review buttons are now visible, but greyed out/disabled until an application is received or manual a payment is set
  • Added a flag that can open year groups that are closed in grade year settings on an individual basis. 

27 May 2022

  • Added send Email/Send SMS button on the event screen. Remembers filters and links to All Prospective to easily follow up on events

25 May 2022

  • Read the article: "Lead Score"

  • Read the article: "How to switch primary point of contact when Parent 2 has no email address inside the system"

23 May 2022

  • Added ability to re-open or reset application forms to make it easier to re-enrol.

17 May 2022

  • Added new trigger to SMS: “Invite to Enrol”
  • New workflow on event QR code check-in for parents. Added splash page for preregistered parents to self-check-in 

13 May 2022

  • Read the article: "Lead Score"

29 April 2022

  • New system field under language section: "Does the student require assistance with English literacy?"
  • Added all prospective button at the top of the dashboard page
  • Applications - All stages are now linked to their respective filter. Eg click Current Offers or Offers Expired to run the filter and see the corresponding applicants.
  • Totals are now clearer to read.

26 April 2022

  • Added a button to 'Documents Tab' to allow registrar to send 'Request Documents' email

24 April 2022

  • Gender column and count added in review screen
  • Added lead score to rank and prioritise the applicants

22 April 2022

  • Parent1 / Parent2 signed date and time/Date application fee paid now available on CSV export
  • "How hear" added to lead form
  • Question: “Preferred contact method” now customizable

13 April 2022

  • Added a new Residency question: "Please state your eligibility evidence type"

11 April 2022

  • Taiwan, Province of China is renamed to Taiwan, Republic of China
  • Added another grade before junior Kindergarten. Default name = Daycare (2 years old)
  • Events remain 'current' for at least 72 hours after the end date
  • Public kiosk check-in available AFTER the event has ended
  • Ability to delete previously uploaded documents out of TC boxes on the Customisation page
  • PDF version of the GPA form can be attached to the Staff email
  • Sibling names more prominent on Parent Dashboard
  • Removed 1500px minimum width requirement on image upload
  • Pre-signed URLs timeout after 30 minutes instead of 10 minutes

06 April 2022

  • Added suburb/postcode to attendee report

04 April 2022

  • Ability to bulk export questionnaire fields in CSV
  • New system field under medical: What is the status of your child's immunisation - Radio List options

31 March 2022

  • Added a new system field under the student section:

Cultural and/or religious requirements - Stand-alone box

30 March 2022

  • Added a "Remove Invitation" button for those that use the function "invite to enrol". This button  deletes the invitation that was sent and stops the parent from accessing the Application for Enrolment
  • Created a checkbox to keep the original booking slot closed when transferring interviews to the final interview. No new bookings at this time are available for other parents if this box is ticked. 
  • Announcement label editable
  • Put in an additional description under "staff to email"

29 March 2022

  • Added 3 new system fields under the parent section:

Are you self employed? - Radio Yes/No

Postcode of work - Free form

Industry - Dropdown (schools must provide values)

28 March 2022

  • Changed the logic status for manually accepted offers. When a student is moved to orientation status the expired offer disappears from the dashboard. 
  • Added the ability to delete an event if no attendees connected to it. 

25 March 2022

  • Added a toggle to keep Expression of Interest form open in the application form and closed in the main Parent Dashboard view

Show Expression of Interest Link at Parent DashboardShow Expression of Interest in the Enrolment Process at Parent Dashboard

24 March 2022

  • Added a delete button for interviewers with no availabilities

23 March 2022

  • Added a new HTML box to the agreement page
  • Added Expression of Interest list to the Parent Dashboard
  • Added scroll-colour on options in School Details

22 March 2022

  • Top Left Search Bar - All Prospective Search is now All Profile Search - and includes all profiles in the system - not just futures.
  • Verify Documents - toggle added to select all / deselect All Documents
  • Custom Form Report - Search Bar added to look up profiles or parents
  • Lead Forms - Added Parent Title, Home Phone, Business Phone and Address fields.

28 Feb 2022

  • Made principal review and staff review buttons independent of each other
  • Added custom checkboxes under Enrolment Offer

21 Feb 2022

  • Added ability to reorder custom questions and multi-choice answers

17 Feb 2022

  • Option to slide-out main menu
  • Read the article: "How to re-upload documents"

14 Feb 2022

  • Added a new filter - "Assigned" under Custom Form Submits
  • Read the article: "How to add users in EnrolHQ"

  • Read the article: "How to delete student profile categories"

09 Feb 2022

  • Added shortcut - "verify all documents" button in student detailed view

07 Feb 2022

  • Added ability to disable Parent Dashboard bookings against each interviewer. Interviews > Interviewers > Enable Interview Booking by Parent

Read the article: "Filter Contacts"

04 Feb 2022

  • Event URLs are now editable

Read the article: "Bulk Actions"

Read the article: "Duplicate Profiles"

28 Jan 2022

  • Added WYSIWYG editor to all our Customization fields so that admins no longer need HTML experience
  • Enable schools to choose single choice or multiple choice under "How Hear" field
  • Added more fields under "Emergency contacts"
  • Upgraded Top Schools in Dashboard to filter additional statistic data like current school/religion/etc for schools that don't use the Enrolment form. 
  • Now print Student Profile Category on Custom Forms
  • Now print External ID on Custom Forms
  • Removed Enrolhq and Cimarketing users from user list to make this list cleaner

21 Jan 2022

  • Added a new feature: Live Feed to the EnrolHQ Dashboard

19 Jan 2022

  • Released a new feature "Bookmarks". This allows registrars to create and save frequently used filters. 
  • Released a new feature "Address Book" under Email Settings > Address Book. Now schools can save frequently used email addresses and these will appear in a dropdown menu when sending an email. 
  • Ability to create a profile on a Custom Form
  • New articles are available on the support page. 

Read the article: "Cancelling Events"

Read the article: "Address Book"

Read the article: "Filter through Bookmarks"

Read the article: "Creating Custom Forms"

14 Jan 2022

  • Gender layout has been stacked underneath each other
  • Added parent details under Interview review PDF

12 Jan 2022

  • New articles available on the support page.

Read the article: "Marketing Lead forms"

Read the article "Types of Emails: System, Custom and Marketing"

05 Jan 2022

  • New articles available on the support page.

Read the article: "Roll Up and Roll Down Students"

Read the article: "Making multiple sessions for an event"

Read the article: "How to create a field for additional document uploads"

Read the article: "Log in as Parent"

24 Dec 2021

  • Cleaned up the top menu style on student and parent profiles, interviewers menu, review screen and detailed view screen so just 1 line. Added all other search filters behind the show more button.
  • Added colour key to highlight rows that had been exported to XML or Synced with SIS.
  • Added duplicate filter YES / NO under All Prospectives > Show More filter to run a duplicates report - this looks at student's name and DOB.
  • New setting to hide EOI/Scholarship/GPA form button from appearing on Parents Dashboard if used for internal purposes only. Added toggle to switch on/off in the Parent Dashboard under Settings > Customisation.
  • Added rollover of years. We can now easily transfer students from one year to another. Found in bulk actions (Roll Up / Roll Down).

22 Dec 2021

  • Added a new option to set the position of Announcements and Videos under Parent Dashboard Settings. It can now appear in the middle or right column - top or bottom.
  • Siblings are no longer permanent in GPA or ENR form - they can be turned off and on.
  • Released a new feature ‘Log in as Parent’ where Registrars’ can log in as parent and troubleshoot the issues parents are facing. Found under the Detailed view > User Parent tab.

21 Dec 2021

  • Set a new limit to email attachments that prompts to upload to Parent Dashboard Settings and link to it from the email for better workflow.
  • Event custom questions moved to above how did you hear about us
  • New default setting that displays the calendar for new/copied multiple event sessions.

20 Dec 2021

  • New improvement to make previously uploaded documents more visible for parents. Added blue link and made previously uploaded documents appear in parent dashboard.
  • Enquiry text now editable under customisation page
  • Medical Details --> Added dentist details just like doctor details including name, phone and address

10 Dec 2021

  • Released a new feature with sub events. This solution allows the staff member to create 1 Event eg Open Day and have 10 sub events. Session 1 - 10 to manage limitations and restrictions.
  • Improved parent auto reply email to parents to hide some personal information and keep it only available for staff.
  • Enabled multiple reminders per Event and only send certain reminders depending on the Event Type e.g Online Events need different reminders to In-Person School Tours.
  • Added additional settings under form fields to request more detailed information under student and parent profile details and doctor details.

5 Dec 2021

  • Manual payment button available at all times. Also added a new setting that allows the school to determine the time the finance report via email gets sent out. Settings->Payment Settings -> Hour of Sending the Daily Reports.
  • Created an option to restrict automatic payment receipt going out to parents for manual payments as some schools prefer to raise their own receipt.
  • Created a checkbox under payment settings that allows the schools to choose including GST yes/no.

28 Nov 2021

  • Implemented bulk export for multiple SAS2000 profiles.
  • System now shows a message that prompts the parents to fill out any outstanding tasks before accepting enrollment is possible.
  • Medical Details --> added Ambulance Fund Subscription (Yes / No)
  • Added Parent 1/Parent 2 --> Industry (school provided list) dropdown field, goes under Employer
  • Added 'Victorian Student Number' field below NESA field on Student Profile

15 Nov 2021

  • Calendar Year of Entry dropdown extended to go back to 2014 for historical data and reports purposes
  • Improved Address Entry User Experience for Parents - Street Address with Google autocomplete comes first. Then the "Unit/Apartment/Flat/Suite (If Applicable)" comes second.
  • Increased the number of emergency contacts to 4
  • Allow Supporting Medical Documents be able to take multiple uploads for multiple Action Plans e.g Asthma Action Plan, Anaphylaxis Action Plan, Diabetes Action Plan, Doctor's reports etc.
  • Added a resend Invitation button for staff to invite to enrol emails and a resend email confirmation button so that after you edit an event booking you can resend details to parent 

06 Nov 2021

  • Integrated with Fat Zebra Payment Solution
  • Added the ability to specify a Credit Card Surcharge - many schools are charging a 0.9% surchage or 1.5% surcharge for credit card payments.
  • Added '{{ profile.term_of_entry_label }}' as a tag to Email Templates so if you have a mid year entrant and they are entering in "Term 2", "Term 3" or "Term 4" - this can be populated automatically in emails.
  • Allowed Expression of Interest Form Payments to be adjusted to any amount on a per student basis, not just $0 or the default.
  • Added more Custom Document Upload Fields - which can be relabelled by school staff. You can also choose whether the file uploads are mandatory or not. 

01 Nov 2021

  • Added Profile --> Date of Arrival to Australia (if not born in Australia) - Order of fields is now Country of Birth, Upload Citizenship Certificate/Passport, Date of Arrival into Australia, Ethnic Origin. Schools can enable/disable any of these fields.
  • Made Parent 1/Parent 2 Employer field label editable e.g "Employer/Company"
  • Made Parent 1/Parent2 Occupation field label editable e.g "Position/Work Title"
  • Added Reset and Re-Open for Custom Forms. Reset clears the answers and lets parent start from scratch. We also added a bulk reset so that schools can change the year to 2023 and send out to all the same parents again for example 'Medical Details Update 2023'.
  • Added CRM Notes to Interview sheet so the printout contains Notes as well as Learning Support, Medical Details to give the interviewer a complete picture of the applicant

26 Oct 2021

  • Profile > Student Lives With “Other” is given as an option. We added a field in which they can type extra information relating to “Other”.
  • Increased the max length of visa subclass to 100 max length.
  • If GPA form has had 2nd parent waived and fee set to 0, we now allow the form to still print.
  • Made NAPLAN and School reports not mandatory for lower years (as they will not have completed)
  • Added a new Enrolment Status - "Pending". This can be enabled/disabled like the Waitlist and relabelled. 

01 Oct 2021

  • Bulk export Interview PDFs - In the global bulk menu that allows staff to select multiple applicants and allow them to bulk export the Interview PDF for printing. 
  • Created an optional hard cut-off for Kindergarten age. If the child's birthday is after the cut-off date then EnrolHQ will not let them progress to the next step of the application form if it's setup like this.
  • Added a permission checkbox for the schools to access VEVO online immigration portal, in order to maintain and update our child’s visa information.

15 Sep 2021

  • Moved Documents to own Tab and introduced Staff Only uploads
  • Custom Forms - added 'Multi Steps' functionality so you break up a long custom form into a series of pages or 'steps'. Each step should have a limited number of questions. As parents press 'Next' it saves their progress and their answers.
  • New Leads Generator was added
  • Allow for multiple start and stop triggers for automations.
  • Allow student profile categories to be added to forms.
  • Added "Upload your child’s formal Diagnosis/Assessment/Specialist Reports" file upload field and "Upload your child’s current IEP (Individual Education Plan)". Both are re-labable please and turned off by default."

20 Aug 2021

  • Moved Gender up from Citizenship to Student Details
  • Reversed event order inside filters for "Registered for Event"
  • Moved Parental Responsibility Details and 'Upload Copies' of relevant Court Orders' directly underneath Parents' Relationship.
  • The Guardian Fields only showed if you started entering a first name. We changed it to a button that says 'Add Guardian Details'.
  • Added ability to edit the 'Carer Details' label so you can put explanation this is for Carers who are not parents. This is in Settings > Customisation.
  • Made "Select all (n) items" more prominent in the list view.
  • Country, Born Country and Nationality now default to Australia
  • The label on search fields now says "Type to start searching. No matching results have been found yet."
  • We now show 25 items by default in email templates list view - instead of 10.
  • We indented the menu on the sub menu's to make it easier to read.
  • Added a NAPLAN document filter in the review screens.
  • Not every Custom Form needs a signature. For the ones that don't we need added a Submitted By and IP address of the submitter.
  • If no interviewer is assigned, then you can now remove the interview slot.
  • Added 5 Minute increments for Interview Duration  (they were 15min).
  • Added  a hard cut-off for applicants - if child's expected calendar year of entry for a given grade > what the parent has put in then do not allow them to continue. This is runed off in settings by default.
  • Inserted a column to the right of 'Students Leaving' called Boarders Leaving in the Predictor Report. This column is subtracted from the 'Boarders Total' column in the following year.
  • Added Year of Entry in Intelligence Reports.

15th Aug 2021

  • Allowed for bulk print of interview PDF's through Interview > Schedule

21 Jun 2021

  • You can now copy the Make Offer Template and make as many variations as you require. When you now come to make the offer, these templates will all be presented in the dropdown. We know a lot of you who have many different Offer of Place emails will love this new improvement.
  • Copy, Delete and Preview Custom Email Templates

17 Jun 2021

  • NEW SYSTEM FIELD: Is Parent a current staff member? Y/N]

18 Jun 2021

  • Assign Tasks Feature deployed. Available through the Comms log and Reports > Tasks
  • Assign Grades to Interview QuestionsIf you ask different questions to different parents / students because of their grade of entry, you can now show / hide different sections in the setup.

11 Jun 2021

  • Commencement Date Feature enabled.

8 Jun 2021

  • Ability to select individual or all attendees from your event list and mark in bulk as Not Attended, Attended or Cancelled.

7 Jun 2021

  • Removed P1 and P2 duplicates from the Event Attendees list and Labels Printouts.

5 Jun 2021

  • Review: Pass / Fail Updates. New filters are available on both the Staff and Principal reviews.
    • Grey - Not Validated
    • Green - Pass
    • Yellow - More Info Required
    • Red - No

1 Jun 2021

  • All profiles that are linked to Parent 1's (P1) email address are listed in the detailed view of the other linked family members. This allows you to quickly switch to other sibling profiles when working within a family.

31 May 2021

  • Added GPA Review 

26 May 2021

  • We now print as a PDF and affix the Make Offer email to the start of the Offer of Acceptance PDF bundle.

25 May 2021

  • Interview PDF - used to print Grade of Entry as -3 or -1, 0. We now print the actual label - ie Kindergarten or ELC

24 May 2021

  • Added QR codes to Kiosk events

23 May 2021

  • Re-ordered boxes on main dashboard so they go in correct user workflow.

21 May 2021

  • Merge profiles feature released.

5 May 2021

  • Added Principal's name and their signature if you want this to be added to your final forms as part of the printed PDF package.

3 May 2021

  • We have relabelled 'All Contacts' to be 'All Prospectives' - this filter will NOT include the following stages: Community, Alumni, Cancelled, Declined and Not Proceeding.
  • Split availabilities function to allow you to split availability into different segments and then either delete or edit the new segments.

22 Apr 2021

  • Added Parent only and Child only options for Events. Changed minimum attendees for event from 2 to 1.
  • Add a 'Save and Back' button for saving events and interview availabilities so that when you click it it takes you back to the list view screen to save time.

20 Apr 2021

  • Ability to transfer an interview to another interviewer via Schedule

16 Apr 2021

  • When Custom Forms are submitted, we now append them to the PDF bundle. The final PDF bundle includes the Application Form, Document Uploads, Offer and Acceptance, Terms and Conditions and all submitted custom forms.
  • On the Interview schedule pop-up in the staff admin and parent dashboard, when the pop-up appears for you to book in and it says, Are You Sure You Want To Book This Time?” we now also display the time.
  • In Interviews > Schedule, we now also include the column Attendance Type.
  • Added 'Update Offer Expiry Date' to bulk actions

11 Apr 2021

  • Added 'House' to CSV Export
  • Added 'Parent Links' for easy reference in Staff Dashboard at bottom of menu.
  • Split Interview Schedule into Upcoming and Past
  • Split Interview Assigned Profiles into Upcoming and Past
  • Added 'Profile > Current Grade Level' available in Event and Enquiry form
  • Added Residential and Mailing Address fields for Emergency Contacts and disabled by default.

4 Apr 2021

  • Ability to edit fields to display in transactions report and send a digest of all transactions at 6pm each night to a specified email address.

31 Mar 2021

  • Mailing Address and Communication Preferences for P1 and P2 - new system fields under Parents for more granular reporting.

30 Mar 2021

  • Toggle to set Custom Forms mandatory before Offer of Place can be accepted.

28 Mar 2021

  • Bulk Verify / Unverify Documents

15 Mar 2021

10 Mar 2021

  • Enrolment Predictor Report - BETA version under Reports
  • Gender Field Available on Enquiry and Events forms

1 Mar 2021

  • Re-labeled some Event Settings to make them clearer
  • Events - Kiosk Setting changed to when turned on will allow registrations at any time - irrespective of Event Date and Time.
  • Added Create Date and Last Updated Date to Export CSV.

15 Feb 2021

  • Ability to copy an Event
  • Ability to edit your custom questions on the Interview PDF print-out and load into Interview notes
  • Added INTERVIEW status
  • Added new system fields. The first few are helpful if you enrol older students (Year 10-12).Profile > Title
    Profile > Mobile Phone
    Profile > Email Address
    The following new fields are attached to parent profiles.
    Parent > DOB
    Parent > Church I hold membership at
    Parent > Church I regularly attend
    I know these will be of great use to some of you who require this information. You can turn these on, re-label, make mandatory etc under Settings > Form Fields.
  • Ability to Edit / Delete Notes
  • Ability to review a student in their detailed view - not just via the Review page.
  • Multi-line payment items - if you want to split your payment into line items eg Deposit and Application Fee.
  • Added Reserved Offer of Place step for those that use this extra step in their workflow
  • Added Student Profile Categories so you can create your own internal tags and filters (watch the video)

21 Jan 2021

New System Fields for Medical Section: Authorised to give Panadol and Nurofen Y/N

19 Jan 2021
Student Custom Filters added in School Settings

17 Jan 2021
Line item ability for Fees (both Reserved Place and Offer)

13 Jan 2021
Private status added to custom forms. 

23 Dec 2020
Enrolment Offer and Reserved Offer stages were created.

26 Nov 2020
STAFF users of EnrolHQ will have their internal notifications now come from the email address '' instead of the Registrar or the Enrolments email address.

16 Nov 2020
Added Submitted: Yes / No and Date Submitted Columns to Reports > Custom Form Submits.
Added Bulk Email and Bulk Export functionality to Reports > Custom Form Submits.

12 Nov 2020
Moved Review and the 2 review reports (Principal and Enrolment) into the main menu.

11 Nov 2020
Added A$ to Credit Card checkout page and the text 'This fee is non-refundable.'

9 Nov 2020

Replace 'Student Wellbeing' question label with "Student learning and well-being - is your child a young person diagnosed with"

6 Nov 2020

Added change to Parent Dashboard so that we remove the PDF bundle after 30 days once in  Orientation. This is so sensitive information is not kept available for long periods of time.

3 Nov 2020

Bank of Queensland integration added.

30 Oct 2020

Allowed for EOI to be re-purposed to another form, eg Application or Scholarships. Added ability to re-label sitewide and change url slug.

29 Sept 2020

Added videos, announcements and downloads for Parent Dashboard.

<< Previous new feature logs are available on our website blog >>