How Parents Accept an Enrolment Offer

The Parent Dashboard is only available to the User Parent whilst the second (non-user) parent is only asked for their signature.  They do not have access to any information the user parent has filled in except their contact details (email, mobile phone and address). The process of accepting the enrolment offer includes the following steps: 

1) Parent 1 has to log into Parent Dashboard with his or her email address, select accept enrolment offer and click on send email to parent 2 (non-user parent).

A part of the requested information is the contact information and email address and contact number of parent 2.


2) A link is sent to the second parent to sign and accept the letter of offer. The second parent has to verify their identity via a form. The type their own email, applicant’s date of birth and last name to accept the offer and terms and conditions




3) Finally, Parent 1 (User Parent) will receive an email when parent 2 has signed and can log back into Parent Dashboard using his or her email address to complete the process. 




To troubleshoot, while talking to the parent, the Registrar can “Log in as parent” or click Secondary Parent Acceptance link in the Enrolment Offer tab to see the links that either Parent 1 or Parent 2 is seeing. Then, simply check the parent 1 and 2 email and contact numbers are correct. If they are, the final thing to check is the applicant’s date of birth or last name. If they are all correct, then it is time to raise a support case to