Interview bookings on parent dashboard

The interview booking system is a ‘smart scheduler’, it will try to keep all interview bookings adjacent to each other so that interviewers don’t end up with gaps. It does this by offering a limited number of choices to each parent on any particular day and starts by offering the adjacent spots to previous bookings first.

If you want to show more bookings on parent dashboard this can be changed under School Details.


On the day of the interview, you can download a PDF with all the key details about the student and write notes on it. You can upload the notes back to the Student Profile OR type the notes directly in EnrolHQ on a computer during the interview.  

What is the interview module

EnrolHQ comes built-in with an Interview system that enables you to assign future students to interviewers and let the parents book the interviews based on the interviewers’ availabilities. Once you have set up all the interviewers’ availabilities and assigned students profiles to them, you can bulk email parents to tell them to log in to their parent dashboards and they will have an ‘Outstanding Task’ to ‘Book An Interview’.

Place in interview status to be able to assign students

Interview is a manual status that you can use as a holding bucket for the student profiles that are eligible for an interview. For example, you might have more applications than places and you need to shortlist the applications for interview first.

As you are going through each application, you can move them to the 'Interview' status using the status dropdown. Once in interview status, the profile can be assigned to an interviewer and an email is sent asking Parents to book an available time on Parent Dashboard. 

Transfer an Interview to another Staff Member

It may be necessary to transfer an interview due to staff absences or other circumstances.

Go to: Interviews > Schedule (you can select the interviewer and expand the relevant date)

Select the yellow arrow to transfer


A message will be displayed to confirm the selected alternate interviewer.


Navigate students with Bulk Actions

After the default interview settings are set up, the bulk action menu can be used to navigate the student between these interview stages. 
