
Review How Interviews Work In EnrolHQ

Interview Overview Step By Step Process

Setting up interviews is a several step process. However, when it's in place there are few changes. This article is a simple overview of the process to get started with interviews

Interview Details Settings

The EnrolHQ interview settings can be found on ‘Interview > Settings’.

Interview Pooling

The new Interview Pool feature allows schools to provide availabilities for multiple interviewers simultaneously to parents during the booking process.

Interviews FAQ's

Common enquiries regards on Interviews

Interview Set Up

Set up location, interviewer, availabilities, assign students, invite parents and create interview questions.

Set Up Interviewers

Before you can have interviews you need to set up the personnel to handle them. This article gives instructions on how to set up interviewers.

Set Up Interview Locations

These are the physical (or virtual) locations for where the interview will happen.

Set Up Availabilities for an Interviewer

Set up Interviewer availabilities so that parents cannot book unavailable slots

Assign Student Profiles to an Interviewer

Now you can assign student profiles to an interviewer from the CRM.

Invite Parents to Book

Send invitation emails to parents to book interviews

Creating Questions in the 'Interview PDF'

Interviewers may want to have a physical page to take notes when conducting an interview, you can add different Questions and request that any Notes are added to the PDF

Post Interview

What to do post interview

Interviews Inside Parent Dashboard

The process of how Parents book interviews

Deleting Interview Availabilities

Only availabilities where no bookings have been made yet can be deleted or edited.