The 4 different event URL's in EnrolHQ

Each event has 4 URLs listed at the bottom om the "edit" screen:

  1. Embeddable Web Event Registration - this is the link you need to use if you want to embed this specific event on you website.
  2. Web Event Registration - this is the URL that you need to copy to send via email if your event is private. You can paste this event to Social Media campaigns too to have parents click directly through directly to a booking page.
  3. Public Kiosk - this is the URL to use when setting up a laptop to take registrations for parents who turn up at school tours without pre-registering online beforehand. You still want to collect parents’ contact details and their childrens’ details like name, DOB and year of entry so they can use the laptop to enter these. At the end of the form, it loops back to the beginning so the next family can use the laptop (think a Qantas check-in booth at the airport).
  4. Check-In For Volunteers - this takes you to a special page optimised for iPads that will be used to mark attendance for families as they arrive at the event. You have to be logged in as a staff user or an ‘Event Volunteer’ to be able to use this screen. If you click on the link itself it will take you to a page where all the families are listed by the students' names and you can click each one to mark attendance. NB: Every event has a unique url but the default login url is {{your enrolhq domain}}/volunteer/dashboard This will show you a list of all upcoming events that have a check-in available.

