Other Tags

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
{{ school.domain }} School Domain - "demo.enrolhq.com.au"
{{ school.base_url }} School Base URL - "https://demo.enrolhq.com.au"
{{ school.base_url }}/email-verification/{{ token }}/ Verify my email link - "https://demo.enrolhq.com.au/email-verification/token/"
{{ now|as_date }} Today's date and time - “June 27, 2025, 10:19 a.m.” 
{{ custom_form_submit.form.title }} Custom form title - "Medical Details Update and Consent Form" 
{% render_table "eoi" %} EOI renter table 
{{ staff.email }} Staff email address - "allusha@enrolhq.com.au" 
{{ staff.first_name }} Staff first name - "Allusha"
{{ staff.last_name }} Staff last name - "Strand"
{{ staff_task.created_by.first_name }} Task created by - "Allusha"
{{ staff_task.assigned_to.first_name }} Task assigned to - "Mark"
{{ staff_task.date|as_date|date:"l j F, Y" }} Task date - "Saturday 1 April, 2025"
{{ staff_task.get_kind_display }} Task kind - "Phone Call"
{{ staff_task.description }} Task description - "Call parent regarding offer"

Student Details

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
{{ profile.title }} Title - “master/miss” 
{{ profile.first_name }} “Isabella” 
{{ profile.middle_name }} Middle name 
{{ profile.last_name }} “Smith”
{{ profile.preferred_name }} Preferred name
{{ profile.dob }} Date of birth
{{ profile.entry_grade }} Entry grade - "7"

{% if profile.entry_grade|lt:0 %} Your child is coming in Pre-K / ELC {% endif %}

“Your child is coming in Pre-K / ELC”

We check if the entry grade is less than 0 and if it is we will print the text. If the child's entry grade is same or greater than 0 we will not print anything.

{% if profile.entry_grade|gt:6 %} Your child is starting senior school {% endif %}

“Your child is starting senior school”

We check if the entry grade is greater than 6 and if it is we will print the text. If the child's entry grade is same or less than 6 we will not print anything.

{{ profile.entry_grade_label }} Entry grade label - "Kindergarten"
{{ profile.entry_year }} "2022,2023,2024"

{{ profile.entry_grade_label }}, {{ profile.entry_year }}.

Your child is coming in Kindergarten, 2025

{% if profile.entry_year == now|as_date|date:"Y"|add:0 %} Prints a message for current entry year only
{{ profile.entry_term }} Entry term - "1"
{{ profile.commencement_date|as_date|date:'l j F, Y' }} Commencement date - "Wednesday 3 February, 2021"
{{ profile.application_status }} Application status - "Enrolment Offer, Orientation"
{{ profile.gender }} Gender - "daughter/son"
{{ profile.gender|his_her_their }} Gender - "his/her/their"
{{ profile.gender|him_her_them }} Gender - "him/her/them"
{{ profile.gender|gender:"plural"|title }} Gender - daughters/sons
{{ profile.attendance_type }} Attendance Type - "Day Student, Weekly Boarder, Full Boarder”
{{ profile.current_school.name }} Name of current school

{{ profile.religion }}

Prefills the religion

{{ profile.house }}

Prefills the child's house

{{ campus.name }}

Prefills the child's campus

{{ profile.nationality }} Nationality
{{ profile.mobile_phone }} Mobile phone
{{ profile.email }} Email
{{ profile.interests_str }} Student interests - pulls all checked answers
{{ profile.id }} ID number
{{ profile.external_id }} External ID number
{% render_enrolment_unverified_documents_list profile %} Lists unverified documents - "1. Copy Of Passport, 2. Birth Certificate, 3. Immunisation History Statement"

Secondary Parent Details/Non-user Parent

non_user_parent = is the second carer/parent that the primary point of contact has named

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
{{ non_user_parent.title }} Title - “Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr” 
{{ non_user_parent.first_name }} “Isabella” 
{{ non_user_parent.middle_name }} Middle name 
{{ non_user_parent.last_name }} “Smith”
{{ non_user_parent.preferred_name }} Preferred name
{{ non_user_parent.email }} Email
{{ non_user_parent.dob }} Date of birth
{{ non_user_parent.relationship_to_student }} Relationship to student - “mother, father, aunt, uncle"
{{ non_user_parent.mobile_phone }} Mobile Number 
{{ non_user_parent.home_phone }} Home phone 
{{ non_user_parent.alumnus }} Alumnus 
{{ non_user_parent.external_id }} External ID 
{{ non_user_parent.how_hear_str }} How hear - pulls all checked answers 

Addressing Parents

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
Dear {{ user_parent.first_name }},

“Dear Michael,”

Dear {{ user_parent.title }} {{ user_parent.last_name  }},

“Dear Mr. Smith,”

Dear {{ user_parent.first_name }}{% if non_user_parent.first_name %} and {{ non_user_parent.first_name }}{% endif %},

“Dear Michael and Susan,”

If there is a second parent/carer and we know their first name, then it will print both with an ‘and’ in between. If we don’t know the second parent/carer's name then it will only print

“Dear Michael,”

Dear  {{ profile.parents_salutation }}

“Dear Mr. Smith and Ms. Cameron”

If there is a second parent/carer and we know their title and last name, then it will print both with an ‘and’ in between. If we don’t know the second parent/carer's name then it will only print one, it also checks to see if the parent relationship status is married and if the last names are the same for both parents.

“Dear Mr. Smith,”

It also checks to see if the parent relationship status is married and if the last names are the same for both parents.

“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,”

Finally it also checks to see if the parent relationship status is married and if the last names are the different for both parents.

“Dear Mr. Smith and Ms. Cameron,”

Tags Used to Print Enrolment and Enrolment Offer Details

Copy and Paste Directly From Here

What It Will Print

{{ school.enrolment_settings.enrolment_label }}

Enrolment form label - "Application"

{{ school.gpa_settings.label }}

GPA form label - "Scholarship"

{{ reserved_place_offer_label }}

Reserved place offer label - "Kindergarten deposit"

{{ enrolment_offer_label }}

Enrolment offer label - "Enrolment fee"

{{{ profile.enrolment_offer.made_at|as_date|date:"l j F Y" }}

Offer made at - "Wednesday 14 June 2023"

{{ profile.reserved_place_offer.made_at|as_date|date:"l j F Y" }}

Reserved place made at - "Wednesday 14 June 2023"

{{ currency }} Currency - "AUD"
{{ currency_symbol }} Currency symbol - "$"

{{ profile.enrolment_cost }}

Offer cost - "500.00"

{{ profile.reserved_place_cost }}

Reserved Place offer cost - "500.00"

{{ profile.progress.enrolment_offer.accept_link }}

Offer accept link - "https://demo.enrolhq.com.au/accept-offer/second-parent/59084a07-f170-4136-bbd9-17eebbb30d89:vEgoehjFXp0ZsVmU7f4u767bBx6-LMLAbiPzJGJPqWw/enrolment_offer/"

{{ profile.progress.reserved_place_offer.accept_link }}

Reserved place offer accept link - "https://demo.enrolhq.com.au/accept-offer/second-parent/59084a07-f170-4136-bbd9-17eebbb30d89:HvHlVzIiBV6PZXagRBhIi2kDLPHcSA46OLE8BReWG_s/reserved_place_offer/"

{{ profile.enrolment_offer_expiry_date_for_mail|date:"l j F Y" }}

Offer expiry date - "July 11, 2025"

{{ profile.reserved_place_offer_expiry_date_for_mail|date:"l j F Y" }}

Reserved Place offer expiry date - "July 18, 2025"

We are delighted to be able to offer a place at {{ school.settings.name }} to your {{ profile.gender|gender }} {{ profile.first_name }} {{ profile.last_name }} to commence in {{ profile.entry_grade_label }}, {{ profile.entry_year }}.

To accept the offer, please log in to your parent portal at https://{{ school.domain }}/parent/dashboard/ and follow the prompt {% if profile.enrolment_cost %} to pay your enrolment fee of ${{ profile.enrolment_cost }} {% endif %} to accept the enrolment.

This Offer of Enrolment is valid until {{ profile.enrolment_offer.expiry_date|date:"l j F Y" }}.

We are delighted to be able to offer a place at Demo College to your daughter Isabella Smith to commence in Year 5, 2021.

To accept the offer, please log in to your parent portal at https://enrol.democollege.qld.edu.au/parent/dashboard/ and follow the prompt to pay your enrolment fee of $500.00 to accept the enrolment.

This Offer of Enrolment is valid until Wednesday 12 August, 2020.

Tags Used to Print Interview Details

Interview tags should be used in Interview Booking Confirmations and Interview Booking Reminders.

Latest interview tags should be used for all other email types such as custom emails

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print

{{ interview_booking.date_time_str }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.date_time_str }}

Interview date and time - "Sunday 30 October 2010 9:00am - 11:30am”

{{ interview_booking.interviewer.name }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.interviewer.name }}

Name of Interviewer - "Elisha Corry"

Thank you for booking an interview for {{ profile.first_name }}. You and your daughter will be meeting with {{ interview_booking.interviewer.name }}

Thank you for booking an interview for Isabella. You and your daughter will be meeting with {{ profile.latest_interview_booking.interviewer.name }}

"Thank you for booking an interview for Isabella. You and your daughter will be meeting with Elisha Corry"

{{ interview_booking.interviewer.email }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.interviewer.email }}

Email of Interviewer - "enrol.demo@enrolhq.com.au"

{{ interview_booking.interviewer.interview_type }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.interviewer.interview_type }}

Interview Type - "Junior School Principal's Interview"

{{ interview_booking.online_meeting_link }}

{{ profile_latest_interview_booking.online_meeting_link }}

"Your Online Meeting link is https://schoolname.zoom.us/j/3335771265?pwd=TWs2Nk9oWUJkcXMvOXJnOGNJSHlWQT10"

{{ interview_booking.location.name }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.location.name }}

Interview location name - "Online Zoom, Room 301"

{{ interview_booking.location.campus }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.location.campus }}

Inteview location campus - "Stanmore 7-12, Lindfield K-6"

{{ interview_booking.location.hint_image }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.location.hint_image }}

Inteview location hint image

{{ interview_booking.location.hint_text }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.location.hint_text }}

Inteview location hint text - "A zoom meeting link will be emailed to you"

{% render_location_details interview_booking.location hints=True %}

"Location: Online Zoom Interview.

Five minutes before the scheduled interview time, please click the Zoom link provided above"

{{ interview_booking.meeting_instructions|safe }}

{{ profile.latest_interview_booking.meeting_instructions|safe }}

Inteview availability meeting instructions - "Please go to the main hall and turn left until you see room 301"

{{ profile.interview_categories|join:', ' }}

"Date of Application, Siblings, Standard"

Tags Used to Print Enquiry Details

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
{% render_table "enquiry" %} Render table, enquiry overview
{{ enquiry.questions_str }} I Would Like To Know More About (pulls all checked answers) - “Values, Faith, Sport” 
{{ enquiry.comment }} Any Other Comments You May Have - "I want to know more about Open Day" 
{{ enquiry.want_prospectus|yesno|capfirst }} Enquiry want prospectus - "Yes/No" 
{{ enquiry.custom_field_1 }} Enquiry custom field 1
{{ enquiry.custom_field_1_other }} Enquiry custom field 1 (other)
{{ enquiry.custom_field_2 }} Enquiry custom field 2
{{ enquiry.custom_field_1_other }} Enquiry custom field 2 (other)

Tags Used to Print Event Details

Event tags should be used in Event Booking Confirmations and Event Booking Reminders.

Latest event tags should be used for all other email types such as custom emails

Copy and Paste Directly From Here

What It Will Print

{{ event.name }}

{{ latest_event.name }}

Event name - "School Tour, Open Day"

{{ event.kind_label }}

{{ latest_event.kind_label }}

Event Category - “Live Streaming Event, Virtual Tour, Kindergarten Playdates”

{{ event.date|as_date|date:"l j F" }}

Date of event - "Friday 13 August"

{{ event.date_time_str }}

{{ latest_event.date_time_str }}

Event date and time - "Sunday 30 October 2010 9:00am - 11:30am"

{{ now|as_date|date:"j F Y" }} Today's Date - "10 September, 2023"
{{ event.start_time|as_time|date:”fA” }} "10AM, 10:30AM"
Thank you for booking a {{ event.name }} at {{ school.settings.name }} on {{ event.date|as_date|date:"l j F" }} commencing at {{ event.start_time|as_time|date:"fA" }}. Thank you for booking a School Tour at Demo College on 13 August 2020 commencing at 9:15AM

{{ event.description }}

{{ latest_event.description }}

Event description

{{ event_session.name }}

{{ latest_event_session.name }}

Event session name -"Open Day September 14, 2023"

{{ event_session.date }}

{{ latest_event_session.date }}

Event session date - "2023-09-13"

{{ event_session.start_time|as_time|date:"fA" }}

{{ latest_event_session.start_time|as_time|date:"fA" }}

Event session start time - "10:10AM"

{{ event_session.date_time_str }}

{{ latest_event_session.date_time_str }}

Event session date and time - "Wednesday 13 September 2023 10:10am - 4:00pm"

{{ event_session.end_time|as_time|date:"fA" }}

{{ latest_event_session.end_time|as_time|date:"fA" }}

Event session end time -"4PM"

{{ event.online_meeting_link }} https://zoom.us/xyz 

{% if event.kind_label == 'Virtual Tour' %}See you online at www.zoom.com/12345....{% elif event.kind_label == 'Open Day' %}See you onsite at this address...{% else %}Print something else{% endif %}

This snippet checks to see the event kind and adds an event message based on event type

If the event kind label is Virtual Tour -"See you on line at www.zoom.com/12345"

If the event kind label is Open Day - "See you onsite at this address"

If the event kind label is anything other - "Print something else"

{% for attendee in event_booking.attendees %}{{ attendee.first_name }}, {% endfor %}

{% for attendee in latest_event_booking.attendees %}{{ attendee.first_name }}, {% endfor %}

Event booking attendees first name - "Lisa, Daniel"

{% for attendee in event_booking.attendees %}{{ attendee.first_name }} {{ attendee.last_name }}, {% endfor %}

{% for attendee in latest_event_booking.attendees %}{{ attendee.first_name }} {{ attendee.last_name }}, {% endfor %}

Event booking attendees first name - "Lisa Test, Daniel Test"

{{ event_session.capacity }}

{{ latest_event_session.capacity }}

Event session capacity - "100"

{{ event_session.registration_limit }}

{{ latest_event_session.registration_limit }}

Event session registration limit - "40"

{{ event_booking.custom_field_1 }}

{{ latest_event_booking.custom_field_1 }}

Event booking custom field 1

{{ event_booking.custom_field_1_other }}

{{ latest_event_booking.custom_field_1_other }}

Event booking custom field 1 (other)

{{ event_booking.custom_field_2 }}

{{ latest_event_booking.custom_field_2 }}

Event booking custom field 2

{{ event_booking.custom_field_2_other }}

{{ latest_event_booking.custom_field_2_other }}

Event booking custom field 2 (other)

Tags Used to Print Payment Details

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
{% render_table "receipt" %} Receipt/render table, payment overview
{{ payment.summary }} Summary - “APPROVED” 
{{ payment.get_payment_kind_display }} Payment name - "Enrolment Offer" 
{{ payment.paid_at|as_date|date:"l j F Y" }} Paid at - "Monday 26 June 2023" 
{{ currency }} Currency - "AUD"
{{ currency_symbol }} Currency symbol - "$"
{{ payment.amount }} Currency amount - "2000.00"
{{ payment.reference_id }} Payment reference ID - "enr-a:ONL-00000000:20160821-5-2025-Barrett-J/Paid in cash"
{{ payment.transaction_number }} Transaction number - "123456"
{{ payment.receipt_number }} Receipt number - "ONL-12345678"

Primary Parent/User Parent Details

user_parent = primary point of contact who filled out the enquiry/booking/application form

Copy and Paste Directly From Here What It Will Print
{{ user_parent.title }} Title - “Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr” 
{{ user_parent.first_name }} “Isabella” 
{{ user_parent.middle_name }} Middle name 
{{ user_parent.last_name }} “Smith”
{{ user_parent.preferred_name }} Preferred name
{{ user_parent.email }} Email
{{ user_parent.dob }} Date of birth
{{ user_parent.relationship_to_student }} Relationship to student - “mother, father, aunt, uncle"
{{ user_parent.mobile_phone }} Mobile Number 
{{ user_parent.home_phone }} Home phone 
{% render_address_str user_parent.residential_address %} Address 
{{ user_parent.alumnus }} Alumnus 
{{ user_parent.external_id }} External ID 
{{ user_parent.how_hear_str }} How hear - pulls all checked answers