Video Setup

Go to the Parent Dashboard Menu

Parent Dashboard - mostly empty

There are 3 separate sections for different uploads.

These are the instructions on uploading a link to a Video's or Embedded Code

Parent Dashboard - where to add a video

1 Name of the Video

2 The Embed URL - (note below are instructions on how to get the embed code)

3 HTML Snippet - Optional

4 Position in the Parent Dashboard (there are 4 different locations to choose from)

A- F If you wish to make the video available ONLY for a specific Year of Entry, Calendar Year of Entry, Application status, Campus, Attendance Type or Student Profile Category, you can use any of the selectors for this.

5 Save

How to get the Embed Code:

the video does not load and there's an error message - refused to connect.

You need to use the embed code from YouTube.

To access the code start watching the YouTube video. Right click and select

Parent Dashboard - Copy embed code

< > Copy embed code

Paste the full code the remove all except the example highlighted below

<iframe width="1236" height="695" src="" title="Life Giving Learning - St Andrew&#39;s Cathedral School" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Download Setup

Add documents for parents to download at various stages in their enrolment journey.

These are the instructions on uploading a Document link or an attachment.

Parent Dashboard - where to add a file to download

1 Name of the Document

2 The LINK to the location of the online document (you only use wither option 2 or Option 3 not both)

3 Upload the file Here - using drag and Drop or Select

A- F If you wish to make the video available ONLY for a specific Year of Entry, Calendar Year of Entry, Application status, Campus, Attendance Type or Student Profile Category, you can use any of the selectors for this.

4 Save

Announcement Setup

These are the instructions on creating an Announcement.

Parent Dashboard - where to add an announcement

1 Title of the Announcement

2 Select the Date the Announcement is to be displayed

3 Content: Details to show on the Dashboard

4 Position in the Parent Dashboard (there are 4 different locations to choose from)

A- F If you wish to make the video available ONLY for a specific Year of Entry, Calendar Year of Entry, Application status, Campus, Attendance Type or Student Profile Category, you can use any of the selectors for this.

5 Save

Make inactive, Edit or Delete Video's, Documents and Announcements

You can make any of the Video's, Documents or Announcements Inactive when they are created so that you can prepare the information ahead of time. A good example of this is Orientation Information.

You can also upload future documents and attach them to the year of Entry, an example would be Fees Information for the new year - this could be added but the selection of the same Calendar Year of Entry so that future families will only see the information relevant to them.

EnrolHQ uses the same features for all 3 sections:

Parent Dashboard - active, modify or delete

1 You can use this toggle to make the line item Active or Inactive

2 You can Edit the details to adjust any of the current details

3 You can delete the item completely