Add A Campus
Go to Settings > Campuses

Either select add to create an additional campus
Or select the Main Campus using the edit to view/alter current details.

1 Name* - default is Main however each school may change this name as appropriate
2 SLUG* - machine name that cannot have spaces (separate words with -)
3 Default Campus* - Default can only be set for 1 campus. This is the default shown on the Parent Dashboard and any Application Form unless an alternate is available (and is selected).
4 Registrar Title - default is Registrar (can be Enrolment Officer etc)
5 Registrar Name - staff member in charge of Enrolments
6 Telephone* - best contact number
7 Email* - Set your main Enrolment email address to put on the Enrolment Form, Email Notifications
8 Default From Email* - Set your main Enrolment email address to put on the Enrolment Form, Email Notifications
9 Parents' BCC Email - This email is where all emails that are sent to parents will be BCC’d to. (Some School IT teams want to keep a full record of every email that is sent to parents so they will set up a special email inbox to receive a BCC of these emails that can be searched later) default is blank.
10 Principal Title - default is Principal This detail is added to the Enrolment forms upon completion if selected
11 Principal Name - This detail is added to the Enrolment forms upon completion if selected
12 Principal Signature - drag and drop a signature here - This detail is added to the Enrolment forms upon completion if selected.
13 Street Address* - physical location of the school
14 Unit / Apartment / Flat / Suite (If Applicable)
15 Suburb* - will automatically appear in Capital letters
16 State* - drop down menu
17 Postcode
18 Country
Remember to Save or Save & Back