
Do changes and updates yourself by using School Details, Form Fields, Customization and Look and Feel.

School Details

School Details is where all the initial setup occurs for a School/College and choose how to manage your workflow This is what makes EnrolHQ the most self-managed enrolment software on the market.

Form Fields

This article displays the functionalities of Form Fields

Payment Settings

EnrolHQ integrates with CommBank BPay, Westpac Payway (which includes St George and BankSA), NAB Direct POST as part of the standard system.

How to use the Grade - Year Settings

Grade - Year Settings Page restricts enrolments. You can use this function to set which year grades and calendar years your enrolment and expression-of-interest forms are open for.

Look & Feel

How to use Look & Feel

Enrolment Journey Stages

This section allows schools to customise to their enrolment process by activating, deactivating, renaming and changing the position of different enrolment stages.

Custom Scripts

EnrolHQ gives you the ability to add your own CSS and javascript snippets.


There are many settings that are setup at the beginning of your EnrolHQ journey. Some of them may never be changed however it is important to understand how they effect your Applications and Offers.

Offers - Setup or Modify Terms and Conditions

Terms an conditions for offers can be customised depending on your requirements. There can be with links to policies or check boxes details for specific significant conditions that you want to draw to the attention of the person/people accepting the offer.


This is where we setup the Schools address details, Registrar, Principal, default email and phone contact numbers. If your School only has 1 Campus then there will only be 1 listed however if you have multiple then each campus must have the details relevant to that location / type.

Student Profile Sub-Menu Customisation

Individual users can now customise the sub-menu in the student profile to show fields in their preferred order.