Tips and tricks for learning more about the options in the Enrolment Offer Tab that include Making an Offer, Declining to Continue, Secondary Parent Acceptance, Make Manual Payment, Reset Offer and Payments Record in EnrolHQ for a streamlined experience.
Enrolment Offer and Declined Status
Discover 4 types of Enrolment Offer Statuses
Resend, Re-open or Reset Application or Offer Forms
Schools can re-open application forms or custom forms and have parents review and resubmit their initial answers instead of filling in a new form from scratch.
The parent's process of accepting an offer
Seek on how parents accept an offer
Moving from Declined Status back to Active Profile
If a student is in Declined status and you wish to re-activate the application
Staff & Principal's Review
Principal’s Review
This helps to understand more on how to use the Principal's Review
Review - Filter for document uploads to be reviewed
The Show More filters in the Review section of EnrolHQ allow you to filter for document uploads that have not yet been validated.