Remove An Interviewer

EnrolHQ do NOT allow Interviewers to be removed if the staff member has Interviews allocated or booked to them.

In order to delete an interviewer you are required to transfer the interviews to another staff member. All historical Interview data (this includes completed interviews) will also be transferred to the new staff member so it may be worth creating an Interviewer that is title only, i.e. Principal, Registrar, HOD etc.

Go to Interviews > Interviewers

Interviewer Menu

When you select delete the following screen will appear if there are interviews that need to be transferred. In the example I have selected Allusha for deletion

delete Interviewer Jan 25

Allusha has some interviews that have either been assigned to her profile of that have been booked to her profile. These must be transferred before the profile can be deleted.

delete Interviewer transfer option Jan 25

When you select the profile that the interviews are being transferred to then the Interviewer can be deleted.

You could create an Archive interviewer to move all completed interviews out of the interviewer you wish to delete