Contact Column Customisation

Please note that this feature is linked to each individual user. i.e. if one staff member changes their default column setup it does not affect any other staff member.


Each individual EnrolHQ user may have different needs or preferences when it comes to viewing Contact details in the list view. This article explains how to make a change individually for each user by either re-ordering the column or turning off columns to suit.

When you select Contacts > All Prospective this is the standard display list and order of the Columns.

how to resort your colums in Contacts -default colums

Once you are in the All Prospective view you can complete your customisation.

How to re-sort your columns in Contacts

Steps to Take

  1. Select the spanner Icon to display the list of columns.
  2. Use the first column to drag and drop the column to the location that best suits your use of EnrolHQ.
  3. Deselect a column unticking that column.
  4. Select a column ticking that column.
  5. Save.
  6. If you want to return the settings to the system default select this button option, you will be asked if you are sure.

Transaction Report Column Customisation

Each individual user may have different needs or preferences when it comes to viewing the Financial transaction details in the Transaction Report. This is how to make the changes individually for each user by either re-ordering the column or turning off them to suit.

Go to Reports > Transactions.

How to re-sort your columns Transaction Report - standard column view

Once you are in the Transaction view you can complete your customisation.

how to re-sort your columns Transaction Report

Steps to Take

  1. Select the spanner Icon to display the list of columns.
  2. Use the first column to drag and drop the column to the location that best suits your use of EnrolHQ.
  3. Deselect a column unticking that column.
  4. Select a column ticking that column.
  5. Save.
  6. If you want to return the settings to the system default select this button option, you will be asked if you are sure.

Below is an example of the columns selected and the new view of the Transaction Report.

How to re-sort your columns in Transaction Report - selected to resorted

How to re-sort your columns in Transaction Report - resorted

Comments Report Column Customisation

Each individual user may have different needs or preferences when it comes to viewing the comment details in the Comments Report. This is how to make the changes individually for each user by either re-ordering the column or turning off them to suit.

Go to Reports > Comments.

How to re-sort your columns Comments Report - standard column view

Once you are in the Comments view you can complete your customisation.

How to re-sort your columns Comments Report

Steps to Take

  1. Select the spanner Icon to display the list of columns.
  2. Use the first column to drag and drop the column to the location that best suits your use of EnrolHQ.
  3. Deselect a column unticking that column.
  4. Select a column ticking that column.
  5. Save.
  6. If you want to return the settings to the system default select this button option, you will be asked if you are sure.

Below is an example of the columns selected and the new view of the Comments Report.

How to re-sort your columns in Comments Report - selected to resorted

How to re-sort your columns in Comments Report - resorted