
Manually adding a new enquiry / contact

Step-by-step instructions for how to add new enquiries to EnrolHQ and the process of enquiry management.

Discovery stage statuses

What is the difference between Expression of Interest, Enquiry and Event Booking statuses and how to use these.

Enquiry Customisation Setup

This is how to setup the messages and responses for your Enquiry.


Event URLs

What are the different event URL's and how to use them correctly.

Self-check-in to events using a QR code

Using a QR code for checking in and taking attendance at events for pre-registered parents.

Create an Event

Instructions on how to create an event and an explanation of all the settings and options.

Making multiple sessions for an event

How to create an event with multiple sessions for capacity restrictions or event attendee management.

Add custom questions to your Online Event Booking form

How to create custom questions for your event booking form and assign the questions to specific event types.

Booking people into the Event in Bulk

Instructions on how to manually book people into an event using Bulk Actions.

Filtering for Families Booked into A Particular Event

How to filter for people registered to an event, and sort out event attendees vs no shows.

Managing Attendees List

How to filter, export and take attendance for your event attendees.

How to cancel an event

The correct steps to cancel an event in EnrolHQ.

Printing Labels

Instructions on how to print labels for your upcoming event and which label dimensions you need to use.

Getting Ready for Open Day

Tips and tricks for creating a successful Open Day and utilising attendee management in EnrolHQ for a streamlined experience.

Enquiry Customisation Setup

This is how to setup the messages and responses for your Enquiry.

Events Default Settings

This is where you setup the default setting for event creation.

Events Customisation Setup

This is how to setup the messages and responses for your Event Bookings.

Exporting Event Information

Exporting Event Information