if, elif and other variations

To show either first name or preferred name

{% if profile.preferred_name %} {{ profile.preferred_name }} {% else %} {{ profile.first_name }} {% endif %}

To select all year groups greater than specified

{% if profile.entry_grade|gt:6 %} add information here {% endif %}

To select all year groups less than specified

{% if profile.entry_grade|lt:7 %} add information here {% endif %}

To select a specific year group

{% if profile.entry_grade == 5 %} add information here {% endif %}

To add a number of days into the future (in correct format) this example is 30 days in the future

{{ now|as_date|add_days:+30|date:"j F Y" }}

To add a number of days in the past (in correct format) this example is 5 days in the past

{{ now|as_date|add_days:-5|date:"j F Y" }}

To specify the year prior to application year this example is 1 year prior

{{ profile.entry_year|add:-1 }}

To specify a different response based on the Interview type this example of for Uniform shop or Interview

{% if interview_booking.interviewer.name == 'Uniform Shop' %} add information here (this 'description' must match the Booking type exactly)

{% elif interview_booking.interviewer.name == 'Interview' %} add information here {% endif %} (this 'description' must match the Booking type exactly)