Custom Forms

Learn how to create custom forms, how to use the responses for reporting and how to filter submissions

What are custom forms

Build your form, add however many different questions (with their own answer types) as you want, add any introductory/explanatory text, add sections and even segment the form into multiple steps.

Creating Custom Forms

Custom forms are used to gather additional data at various stages, including during the Offer of Enrolment process, the onboarding phase after an offer is accepted, or at any other time in the Enrolment Journey

Video: How to create a custom form

This is an instruction video on how to create a custom form

How to Enable and Use 3rd Party Custom Forms for Schools

This article is a step-by-step guide to the process of enabling and using a feature that allows schools to send custom forms to any designated recipients they choose for tasks such as form completion, document upload, signature acquisition, and ID document submission.

Video: How to run a custom form report

This video instructs you on how to run a custom form report

Lead Forms

This captures future enrolments from phone queries

Custom Forms FAQ's

These are common questions EnrolHQ support receives for Custom Forms

Exporting Custom Form Submissions

How to export custom form submissions

Custom forms for Single Parent or Split Parents

How to ensure your setup allows for a single parent or split parents to sign Custom forms independently.

Custom Form Templates

We have included some commonly requested Custom Forms in JSON format for use as a base template. Remember that the fields displayed when you select Student Forms or Parent Forms are enabled under Settings > Form Fields. You can now edit the Custom Form to select which form fields you wish to display (granularity). If you are using a form in more than one School and are copying the JSON to an additional Instance of EnrolHQ. Please be aware that the 'form field' settings (granularity) DO NOT transfer with the copy process.