Applications that are >2 years in the future

Dear {{ first_parent.title }} {{ first_parent.last_name }} {% if second_parent %} and {{ second_parent.title }} {{ second_parent.last_name }}{% endif %},

Thank you for your application for entry to {{ }} for {{ profile.first_name }} for entry in {{ profile.entry_year }} {{ profile.entry_grade_label }}.

I would like to assure you that {{ profile.first_name }}'s application has been received, and wanted to let you know the process from this stage forward:

We will be in contact this year if there is any additional information we need that has not already been included in your application. This will allow us to progress your application to the next stage.
All interviews with the Principal are conducted in the year prior to entry. For 2024 entry, this means you and your child will attend an interview with the Principal in the first half of 2023. At this time we will contact you to arrange a suitable time for this interview.
Once you have attended your interview, a decision will be made on your application. If successful, you will be emailed a Letter of Offer, which needs to be read and signed, and returned to the College within 2 weeks, along with the Acceptance of Enrolment fee.

Kind regards

Applications that are <2 years in the future and where places are full

Dear {{ first_parent.title }} {{ first_parent.last_name }} {% if second_parent %} and {{ second_parent.title }} {{ second_parent.last_name }}{% endif %},

Thank you for submitting an application for enrolment to {{ }} for {{ profile.first_name }} for entry to the College in {{ profile.entry_year }} {{ profile.entry_grade_label }}.

I would like to assure you that your application has been received, and wanted to let you know the process going forward. Please note at this stage we are fully enrolled in {{ profile.entry_year }} {{ profile.entry_grade_label }}.

If a position becomes available our enrolments team will be in contact.

Kind regards

Paper Form has been manually added

Dear {{ user_parent.title }} {{ user_parent.last_name }},

This email is in regards to the enrolment process for your {{ profile.gender|gender }} {{ profile.first_name }}{% if profile.preferred_name %} ({{profile.preferred_name }}){%endif %} for {{ profile.entry_year }} {{ profile.entry_grade_label }} at {{ }}.

We have transitioned to a new online enrolment system. As you applied under our old paper-based system we have moved your details to a new account. There may still some information that we need from you. 

To create your login, please visit your Parent Dashboard by clicking here and using your email address {{ }} to login and update your child and parent details. 

Going forward you may use this Parent Dashboard by clicking here and using your email address {{ }} to login.

Kind regards

Incomplete Application Form

{% if non_user_parent.last_name and user_parent.last_name == non_user_parent.last_name %}

Dear Mr. and Mrs. {{ user_parent.last_name }}

{% else %}

Dear {{ user_parent.title }} {{ user_parent.last_name }} {% if non_user_parent.last_name %} and {{ non_user_parent.title }} {{ non_user_parent.last_name }}{% endif %}

{% endif %}

A quick hello from us at {{ }}! We just wanted to touch base with you as we noticed that you started an application with us but are yet to complete it. We are really excited at the prospect of receiving an application for {{ profile.first_name }} and just wanted to let you know that we are here to help!

You can continue your application at any time, by logging into your parent dashboard using email {{ }}.

If you are holding off on submitting the application due to questions you have about {{ }}, please let us know, and we will answer them for you. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, feel free to get in touch by giving us a call and we will walk you through the process. If you would like to get in contact, you can reach us on {{ school.settings.telephone }} or by replying to this email.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,

{{ school.settings.registrar_name }}

Event - Thank you for coming

{% if second_parent.last_name and first_parent.last_name == second_parent.last_name and first_parent.title in "Mr.,Mrs." and second_parent.title in "Mr.,Mrs." %}

Dear Mr. and Mrs. {{ first_parent.last_name }}

{% else %}

Dear {{ first_parent.title }} {{ first_parent.last_name }} {% if second_parent.last_name %} and {{ second_parent.title }} {{ second_parent.last_name }}{% endif %}

{% endif %}

Thank you for joining our {{ event.description }}.

I hope that you enjoyed your tour, and had the opportunity to gain an understanding of the type of education and offering that we have here at {{ }}.

If you would like to arrange a private meeting at any stage to discuss the option of your {{ profile.gender|gender }} coming to our school in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me as I will be happy to coordinate a meeting time.

If you would like to submit an application to enrol at {{ }} please log into your parent dashboard using the email {{ }}

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Event - Sorry we missed you

Dear {{ user_parent.first_name }}{{ user_parent.last_name }},

I am sorry that you were not able to join us at our {{ event.description }}.

These tours are a wonderful opportunity to experience the type of education and offering that we have here at {{ }}.

Please click here to register for the next event:

I hope to have the opportunity to meet you then.

If this timing is not suitable please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be only too happy to coordinate a private tour for you.

Document Re-Upload Notification (Staff)

Dear {{ school.settings.registrar_title }},

{{ user_parent.first_name }} {{ user_parent.last_name }} has uploaded a new document for {{ profile.gender|gender }} {{ profile.first_name }}{% if profile.preferred_name %} ({{profile.preferred_name }}){%endif %} for {{ profile.entry_year }} {{ profile.entry_grade_label }} at {{ }}.

Please go to the record to verify the document.

Notification of Updated Contact Details (Staff)

Today's Date

{{ now|as_date|date:"i F Y" }}

Primary Parent Details

Name: {{ user_parent.title }} {{ user_parent.first_name }} {{ user_parent.last_name }}

Email: {{ }}

Mobile Number: {{ user_parent.mobile_phone }}

Primary Parent's Address

{% render_address_str user_parent.residential_address %}

Secondary Parent Details:

Name: {{ non_user_parent.title }} {{ non_user_parent.first_name }} {{ non_user_parent.last_name }}

Email: {{ }}

Mobile Number: {{ non_user_parent.mobile_phone }}

Secondary Parent's Address

{% render_address_str non_user_parent.residential_address %}

Future Student Details

Applicant's name is {{ profile.first_name }}{% if profile.preferred_name %} ({{profile.preferred_name }}){%endif %} {{ profile.last_name }}.

Applicant is coming in {{ profile.entry_year }} {{ profile.entry_grade_label }}