Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions

Here's how EnrolHQ’s bulk actions can save you time and effort:

  • Bulk Communications: Send emails, texts, or notifications to multiple students simultaneously, ensuring everyone receives the same important information at once.
  • Status Changes and Future Student Categorisation: Update the status of multiple student records in one go, whether they are accepted, waitlisted, or need additional documentation.
  • Adding Notes: Quickly add personalised notes to several student records at once, keeping track of important details without repetitive data entry.
  • Verify Document Uploads - quickly set documents open for upload so you can collect this years school reports, NAPLAN results and more
  • Invite to Interview - invite your cohort to book times with your Principal and Leadership team for those family interviews. What used to be a week of work is now a click and forget procedure.
  • Make an Offer - after viewing and ranking your students, use bulk actions to make an offer to all who are selected.

EnrolHQ allows you to perform all of these actions and more in a matter of seconds, significantly reducing the time spent on repetitive RSI inducing “click click click” administrative tasks and increasing your efficiency in managing your future student pipeline.

We’re constantly adding to this bulk action list because there’s nothing we love to do more than saving our users’ time!

Bulk Actions

Explore Parent Dashboard

Engage your parents throughout every step of their Enrolment Journey with your school by offering them a central hub to manage their child’s enrolment, track progress, and access important information easily.