Report Types

Grasp detailed information and instructions of these following reports:

Transactions Report

This report records every transactions that are made by Parents through EnrolHQ system

Intelligence Report

The intelligence report shows an easy graphical overview of enquiries, event bookings, applications and offers the school has had.

Conversion Report

The conversion report helps schools to nudge people to the next train carriages along the Enrolment process.

Student Status Conversion Report

The student status conversion report is an overview of the conversions that happen in EnrolHQ from the time a student profile is created all the way through the enrolment process.

Student Profile Snapshot Report

A report that shows a (snapshot) moment in time of all students progress through the enrolment journey based on year level. Compare year to year or campus to campus.

Student Profile Conversion Report

A report that shows how students progress through the enrolment journey based on year level. Compare year to year or campus to campus.

Event Conversion Report

Event Conversion allows Marketing to view the effectiveness of their events by showing how students progress through the enrolment stages after a specific event has happened.

Student Geo Data Report

Gives intelligence about which suburbs enquiries, applications and offers are being received/accepted and shows how particular suburbs are growing or shrinking.

Top Schools Report

Shows what the top previous schools your students are coming from.

Documents Report

Overview of all documents that have been requested and/or uploaded via the system. Track uploads, ask parents to re-upload documents or review uploaded documents in bulk.

Predictor Report

This is an old report that requires data to be entered from you School Management system.

Comments Report

Gives details of Notes entered for student profiles.

Enquiries Report

Overview of all enquiries that have been either online or manual. Track initial questions and have the ability to adjust the view to show the most relevant information for each user.

Tasks Report

This report allows Staff to see all outstanding tasks. Tasks can be reallocated, completed or updated from this report.

Register Interest Duplicates Report

Assist to identify duplicate Register you Interest forms

Custom Form Submits Report

This is a report it to review the following: Who has been sent a custom form to complete Who has completed Custom Forms Custom Form Data Export

Email Tracking Report

This report allows you to view the email sent to parents and see what action has been recorded.

Report Overview

What Reports are available within EnrolHQ?


There are a number of reports available, they include financial, marketing and enrolment data.