Flexible pricing for
schools of all sizes
How many students at your school? Pricing is per current student per school
$ 199 / month
Enquiries and event bookings only.
Unlimited staff accounts with unlimited contacts, plus...
- Single Sign-on for Staff
- Enquiry Form
- Event Booking Forms and Planner
- Check-in Functionality
- Notifications, Workflows and Reminders
- Optional SMS
- Custom Branding and Domain
- Email Communication Tools
- Automation Tools
- Secure, robust framework
- On-going Training & Support
Full Solution
$ 349 / month
The software to run your whole enrolment journey.
Unlimited users with unlimited contacts, plus...
- Everything in Discovery
- Unlimited Forms
- Lead scoring and Ranking
- CRM + Review Tools
- Bulk Actions
- Interview Scheduler
- Offer of Place and Acceptance
- Online Payments
- Full Reporting
- Extensive API Framework
The Discovery and Full Solution costs are a monthly subscription, priced in AUD and exclude GST. You can get started on Discovery Package and upgrade to Full Solution at any time.
We don't believe in lock-in contracts or holding your data hostage. With NO LOCK-IN CONTRACTS and because of our extensive API, you are free to leave at any time and take all your data with you.
Compare plans
Event Management
Parent Onboarding
Payments and Transactions
Analytics and Tracking
Extra Perks
[1] If your school is using a different payment gateway please get in touch to obtain the integration cost.
[2] School management systems can be integrated with EnrolHQ through our extensive API for a small additional licensing cost.
[* ] Please get in touch with our team for pricing if your school's population exceeds 1800 or you have multi-campus requirements.
Optional Extra Costs
- Mobile Phone Number Rental - $25/month
- SMS Credits - $0.095 each segment
- Call Forwarding - $99/month
Frequently asked questions
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For any enterprise questions, you can contact an expert.
What is an all-in-one enrolment system?
An all-in-one enrolment system allows the schools leadership, the marketing team and the admissions team to work together on a single system to manage the schools future enrolment pipeline. Typically, these teams would be using disparate systems to manage events and communications, they have a separate online enrolment form (or possibly even printed PDFs) and it's time consuming to build accurate reports for the Principal and the leadership teams.
With the EnrolHQ all-in-one system, you have a powerful Event and Enquiry Management system that feeds your CRM with future families. The same system has online enrolment forms and enrolment offer and acceptance functionality all while giving up-to-the-minute business intelligence on all stages of the enrolment pipeline.
What are the advantages of an all-in-one online enrolment system?
The main advantage of an all-in-one online enrolment system is that you have one single source of truth for your future student profiles.
Every interaction with prospective families is recorded e.g. whether they attended a school tour or not, what communications have been sent to them, how far along the enrolment process they are, this is all stored in one single CRM. There's no moving data in and out resulting in losing family details or worse still sending the same communications twice or the wrong communications.
Having a single CRM also makes reporting and filtering much more accurate, the CRM data that is used to produce high level dashboard reports is up-to-date and standardised.
Having a 360 degree view of each student profile also makes it super easy to follow-up resulting in more enrolment applications completed and higher rates of enrolment offer acceptance.
Which school management systems do you integrate with?
Our out-of-the-box integrations are with the following school management systems (SMSs) in Australia: Synergetic, Edumate, Engage, TASS, Zunia, PCSchool, Compass and Sentral. We can integrate with other school management systems as well, if your SMS has an API which will allow us to push student and parent/carer/guardian information to it. In this case we'll quote you separately for such integration once we get all the necessary information from your ICT team.
Which payment gateways do you support?
We support Westpac, NAB, Bank of Queensland, ANZ, St George and Commonwealth Bank. We also link to Stripe, Fat Zebra and School EasyPay. If you have another bank you'd like to integrate with, we're happy to discuss.