SIS Integrations

EnrolHQ to Synergetic

Seamless Integration Between EnrolHQ and Synergetic

Synergetic Integration Update

We are excited to announce a significant update to our Synergetic integration, developed in close conjunction with the Education Horizons Group Synergetic Engineering team in late 2024. This new integration, an API-to-API sync, replaces the previous "Deep Sync" method that required setting up an integration server directly on the school's network.

Key Features of the New Integration:

Direct Record Creation in Synergetic: EnrolHQ now has the capability to create "Future Student" and related "Community" records directly in Synergetic. This bypasses the need for the previous "Process Future Students Import" function that required exporting and importing XML files between EnrolHQ and Synergetic.

Duplicate Record Management:

  • Future Students: EnrolHQ checks for existing records by matching first name, last name, and date of birth in Synergetic. If a record exists, EnrolHQ links to it and stores the Future Student ID.
  • Parents/Guardians: EnrolHQ searches the Community table for existing records by matching first names, last names, mobile phone numbers, or email addresses. If a match is found, it uses the existing record and stores the Community ID in EnrolHQ.

Data Import Capabilities:

  • Future Students: All records from the Synergetic "Future Students" table and their related Community Records can now be imported into EnrolHQ. This ensures that the entire "Futures" pipeline can transition seamlessly into the EnrolHQ journey at any stage.
  • Current Students: EnrolHQ can also now import a shell record for all current students, including essential details like first name, last name, DOB, current grade, and year level, along with their related Community Records. This facilitates the linking for any sibling enrolment processes.

Enhanced API Features:

  • Document Management: With the new "Future Student Document" endpoint in Synergetic v71.56+, EnrolHQ can now push files directly into the DocMan tab for any Future Student, including PDFs of submitted forms with parent signatures, Birth Certificates, School Reports, NAPLAN results, and other necessary documents.
  • Notes/Comms Log Import: Schools have the option to import Notes/Comms Logs from EnrolHQ to Synergetic upon request.

Migration Plan: Existing customers using the "Deep Sync" will be transitioned to the new API-API sync throughout 2025, ensuring a smooth migration to a more secure and reliable integration.

Requirements: This integration requires Synergetic v71.56 or higher. The latest API specifications can be found at Synergetic API Documentation.

This major update highlights our commitment to providing seamless and efficient integration solutions that enhance the administrative capabilities of schools using both Synergetic and EnrolHQ.

Still looking for more? Check out our KB article on the integration.

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