Make the Enrolment Signing page clear and unique

With EnrolHQ you can deliver the very best parent experience in the enrolment process. You can freely choose how to structure the signature page so the parents can read the terms and conditions, privacy statements and other important documents upon signing the agreement. This effectively results in less questions and more satisfied parents.

Header graphic showing feature
Add documents so parent can access their enrolment terms and conditions

The final stage of the enrolment application process is the signing stage. Schools can freely choose how to set this up with many tools at their disposal.

Steps - Number the next steps in the application process to make it clear what the parents can expect whilst the application is being reviewed.

Design your enrolment page with next steps for parents

HTML - Copy/Paste your text/ terms & conditions as an open to read text. Schools can have some general information or event their terms and conditions so that the parents are forced to read this before they can sign.

Choose your own signature page

EnrolHQ comes with two preset scroll menus where schools can fill in the points they need parents to agree to and points students should follow.

Make your enrolment signing page easy

There is also an option for self-made checkboxes where the school can make the parent check their agreement

Finally, there's also a checkbox that is linked to PDF documents that parents can click on and read. This can contain privacy policy, student enrolment contract, code of conduct etc.

Add documents so parent can access their enrolment terms and conditions

The benefit of using EnrolHQ is that the system allows schools to make these changes, and design and structure their signing page without any help or support necessary. It's all done under settings!

Published: 19 Apr 2022

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